Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay.
Aquarius Vieras |
#76 Please reconsider your decision12.01.2011 15:40To whom it may concern Please keep the Master server online. The game is still very active. People playing most up to date games always refer back and fall back to SoF2. SoF2 has become a nice and fun social enviroment where people meet and play. The gameplay is till very popular and far better then any other game. Also because of the available sources we can create/add and have created/added improvements to maintain the socialism, gameplay and the fun. Modders and coders are still very active and are constantly busy to improve. We have also seen a massive increase of NEW players/visitors. That have never played the game before. Players from several "unseen" countries in the world. Visitors/players that are in need of new/unique SoF2 CD key's. CD key's have become an issue, because of the lack of new generated key's. Shops and suppliers are supplying SoF2 with copied CD key's. Another unsolved issue. Please reconsider your decision. Thank you in advance. ~cGs*AQUARIUS |
HardAss Vieras |
#7712.01.2011 15:51very sad to see the master server going down... i play since 7 years and we have a clan of 50 ppl playing this everyday we host like 10 servers... we support since all these years and will be the next 10 years :D ~cGs* Clan / Visit us and download our private mod on our website! |
EWC Orchid Vieras |
#7812.01.2011 16:16Omg ravensoft pff a couple of years ago u guys decided to bring out the sof cd with one and the same cd key that was one crappy decision then u guys failed with sof3 which could have a major boost to sof because lots and lots of active clans who were waiting for it sadly it failed and some turned to cod. The funny thing is that people are returning to sof again, since the last six months i see people daily returning to sof because they can't find on cod or other games like moh wot sof brings. Anyway to make a long story short pls fix the masterlist and in the meanwhile get to work on sof2 again and we will all buy it again!!!! BTW as long as the big clans as Heretic Kos EWC PH are still playing and have enough members to fill their own servers sof won't die. Greetings |
h3ctic Vieras |
#79 ++12.01.2011 16:29How can i fix the error ''server uses protocol .... version"? Wich websites can i use to join servers? Any clan who wants to turn on an infiltration server, 16 players, ND ??? One of the most popular SOF servers ever... cant find any with these settings... ????? |
-=EWC=- MoonFoX Vieras |
#8012.01.2011 16:32If they had just didnt fuck up sof3 and kept it like sof2 but in a new coat it would have been a huge success sadly they didnt but that doesnt change the fact that theres NO other game like sof2 just hurry up and put the masterlist back on already and voila orc now i didnt forget to put ewc in front of it haha XD |
EWC Revan Vieras |
#8112.01.2011 16:32pleaaaase bring our masterlist back up sof2 is not dead yet!!! |
EWC sonic Vieras |
#8212.01.2011 16:33y i agree bring it backkk plss dont kill sof |
h3ctic Vieras |
#83 ++12.01.2011 16:44can someone give an answer to my questions??? |
Hanky Vieras |
#8412.01.2011 17:01bring it back, sof2 is still the best game .. |
nick1304 Vieras |
#85 nick130412.01.2011 17:20I love this game! |
Kirjoittaja on poistanut viestinsä (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
12.01.2011 17:35- Poiston ajankohta: 12.01.2011
- Poistamisen syy:
!BRP!J@ckth3r!pp3r Vieras |
#87 Re:12.01.2011 17:43Dont forget !BRP! server witch is every night full (almost anyway!).......!!!!!!!!! !BRP!ACID DruGs SERVER Ther is no game like SOF 2!!!!! I have played Cod 4 and mw2 alot but always go back to Sof 2 after a few maps........ |
[Heret!c]Dope. Vieras |
#88 Yes it is....... HereticTeam.com12.01.2011 Game Server IP /connect And yes we are the Best!!! |
EWC Spider Vieras |
#8912.01.2011 17:46Bring back the servers online! Dont let the game die! EWC Server IP: |
Blaze Vieras |
#90 Blaze Agrees.12.01.2011 18:06Hai, [SC]Blaze here, I hardly play SOF2 but it was always there if I wanted it. Been playing since 2002. I really hope this isn't the end. Regards, Blaze |
pissoff Vieras |
#9112.01.2011 18:10yep, dont let it die keep it alive plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz |
t4b Vieras |
#92 #2612.01.2011 18:18i play from the beginning and i never saw this happen its sad killing a game like this sof2 is great game and i hope they dont think for real |
Juliabuz Vieras |
#9312.01.2011 18:26Please bring back the server list! |
//EWC*Dancer* Vieras |
#9412.01.2011 18:43SIGNED BY DANCER! (EWC) - KEEP THE SERVERS ONLINE!!!!!!!!!!!! |
wWsPunkbuster Vieras |
#95 wws12.01.2011 18:50Best game ever keep it up |
(') Power On Vieras |
#96 I cant imagine life without SoF 212.01.2011 20:06Call me a nerd or whatever you want, but SoF is a huge part of my life, and it has been one of the most beautiful parts of it. I cant explain what SoF means to me. It is just one of my greatest joys in life. I can even go as far as to say that I love SoF more than any girl I have ever been with. SoF in all its aspects is just beautiful. I have made so many friends with SoF, Offline and Online. And SoF is just simply, one of the most fun games ever SoF needs to stay. If it ever leaves, there will be a huge huge void in my heart that will never be filled I love SoF and fear the day we see it gone |
Vieras |
#9712.01.2011 20:52sof 2 must stay its a funny game and funny people xD |
Vieras |
#98 sOf!12.01.2011 20:57sOf 2 stay with us! sOf 2 Never Die! |
Pan!c Vieras |
#99 SOFII IS A CLASSIC!12.01.2011 21:26SOFII is more than a game! DO NOT LET IT DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LONG LIVE SOFII AND ALL WHO SAIL IN HER! FF |
//EWC *[-flix-]* Vieras |
#100 Wtf12.01.2011 21:29Bring this shit back. wtf. best game ever and we get raped. |
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