Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay.
wWs~No01 Vieras |
#201 Re: LET LIVE SOF2!!!!15.01.2011 20:31Sof2 ==> must Stay :-) best game ever!!! |
Vombat Vieras |
#202 SOF 2 MUST NOT DIE!15.01.2011 21:03SOFII is more than a game! DO NOT LET IT DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LONG LIVE SOFII AND ALL WHO SAIL IN HER! |
Kalor Vieras |
#203 Please save SOF15.01.2011 23:43Don't let it die. I have played for about 6 yrs now. just got DSL internet about 2 years ago Love the game. so don't let it die!!!!!!!!! |
lemonadesoda Vieras |
#204 Český národ je závislá na SoF216.01.2011 01:10sof navždy. přivézt server |
cristo contreras Vieras |
#205 SAVE THE SOF !16.01.2011 04:32please is a awesome game and i meet cool friends there !! |
Ancil Figaro Vieras |
#206 Sof216.01.2011 07:36Still alive and kicking. Has a cult following, and larger community of reminiscers that still comeback to play |
Chris Prud\'homme Vieras |
#20716.01.2011 09:57Keep SOF2 alive! |
[SC] TRiGA Vieras |
#208 [SC]TRiGA16.01.2011 13:52SOF2 has and will go down as one of the greats in gaming history. Which is why it must stay alive for past, present and future players. And think of the teens, without it they will have to masturbate ten more times a day, so for health reasons its your duty of care to keep it alive. |
[DiA]dogger:']['@: TAgamingservers Vieras |
#209 Great Work People.16.01.2011 15:00We know what we like and we want it to stay. |
Cortez Vieras |
#210 Cortez16.01.2011 18:48Come on, keep it alive! |
(Old Boys) Teo Ldr Vieras |
#211 Thx17.01.2011 10:22it's nice to see the whole community together even if it was a temporary problem and it's nice to see that, although an old game, many people find in it something bigger. I think Raven&Activision will appreciate this. Sof2 pwns! -Teo |
Mjr_Miche (Eng/Fr) Vieras |
#212 TOO GOOD TO LOSE!17.01.2011 22:31SOF2 Multi is part of everyday life for thousands (or tens of thousands maybe) people. Since it came out 9 years ago, more & more people have discovered a playing sensation unlike any other FPS. As far as modern games go with latest 3d video effects the game could appear as not worth being interested in, but the real interest is only shown when you start playing the game with friends or in a team. If this game didn't exist there'd be a lot more violence in real life ; you can't beat it for working out your frustrations/hate (if you have them)! Mostly 'though it's just for pure FUN, making new friends, finding old ones again - and then you can't beat the unique atmosphere of the game. You can meet people from all over the world on the different servers and they all love shooting at each other. Another big advantage is that you can play on older pc's so it's not only reserved for the guys rich enough to buy the latest machines. I'm sure there're lots more reasons for SOF2 living forever .. but hope to see you soon ! Bang you're dead ... don't let them shoot us in the back ! |
LE_RANGER Vieras |
#213 SOF II best game ever !!!!18.01.2011 01:16Hello Soldiers, Wishal you did a very nice petition for this fantastic classic game ! Mjr_Miche said it all we live for Soldier of Fortune II :) Petition signed ! |
baidik chatterjee Vieras |
#214 stop closing sof218.01.2011 13:49sof2 has been of of the best multiplayer game since i was kid. we all the playes of sof2 dont want to loose our favorite game, so plese dont shut it down, if she dies we all will die. |
Xzibit Vieras |
#215 Immortal SOF221.01.2011 00:07Best mp game I've ever played, bar none. Think this through, really... |
faizan khalid Vieras |
#216 must stay21.01.2011 13:20sof2 must stay |
Pat-0 Vieras |
#217 Sof2 ftw24.01.2011 01:51Dude Sof2 is still better than ugly Payback + new sof thats coming please give us back our history! :D Greetz Pat-0 (sof2/demo/Full v1.0/Gold. Player) |
Guest Vieras |
#218 Re: Wtf25.01.2011 16:27 |
Musti-92 Vieras |
#219 SOF2 -> my love25.01.2011 23:58Don't let it die |
Turkish-Style Vieras |
#220 SOF2 was the best26.01.2011 00:00Epic game ! :'( |
Bridget Trevino Vieras |
Scott Oliver aka Old Dog Vieras |
#222 Keep SOF226.01.2011 01:40Keep SOF2 Best of the old school games |
Brandy Vieras |
#223 Re: Keep SOF226.01.2011 02:23 |
hole pits Vieras |
#224 haha27.01.2011 03:54sof2 is best game out there and always will be!! |
Philip Stas Vieras |
#225 SOF2 CAN'T DIE27.01.2011 20:46Comon don't let sof2 die :( If ravensoft don't want to host the master servers anymore what do we need to do than :( If possible i'm willing to host the master server. But the question is, how and who do you need to contact for this? :s |
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