Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay.
-=EWC=- MoonFoX Vieras |
#15113.01.2011 15:33Just wanna note that dont forget to leave ur signature aswell haha as some of us did forget i bet some of u did too XD then again im a blondie really but i thought id just leave a quick comment about that too just to be sure xP |
damage Vieras |
#15213.01.2011 15:41I play two years in the sof 2 and do not want to get it removed. Let Soldier of Fortune 2 |
-=EWC=- GioviXVI* Vieras |
#15313.01.2011 16:22plz HELP SOF2 FOR NOT DIED! |
alper ocak Vieras |
#154 SOF 2 FTW !!!!!!!!!!!113.01.2011 16:22WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO |
noel jacob Vieras |
#155 SoF mus stay13.01.2011 16:23This game will never die :| |
Fabio Antunes Vieras |
#156 COME ON13.01.2011 16:44Why should it die..come on..we all know this is a funny game..COme ON raven |
v!per xL Vieras |
#157 Obviously13.01.2011 17:28This game is amazing and must stay. |
Robbe Poté Vieras |
#158 omfgbshx13.01.2011 17:48the game should stay, many people still enjoy playing this game, though its kinda old, its still nice. |
Vieras |
#15913.01.2011 18:05sof2 must stay it still very much played by wwsmoony |
endymion Vieras |
#16013.01.2011 18:06Please bring back the server list! |
Splinter Vieras |
#16113.01.2011 18:46SOF 4 ever! |
hS-Stickie Vieras |
#16213.01.2011 19:15This game has still a lot of players an modders. So please bring back the server list. And make a new sof with the idea of sof 2 and not a fail like sof 3 pay back. So make a game with easy controls like sof 2, walk lean en jump. some nice weapens as on sof 2. Easy servers settings witch are easy to modify just as sof 2 so we can have a big nice community again. On some fixes for the serverlist if u don't know it yet. See ya all on SOF! |
Lana. Vieras |
#163 Sof2 keep it alive.13.01.2011 19:45Sof2 must stay ffs ! |
Mitri aka Spam Vieras |
#164 sof2 keep it alive13.01.2011 19:48woooo #164 to keep sof alive :D cmn peeps we love this game!! |
Commander Vieras |
#16513.01.2011 20:05I really love this game... and it's a good game for bad computers... so please bring back masterserver list |
Sventje Vieras |
#166 Keep it alive13.01.2011 20:18keep alive. it's still the best game, i have modern warfare 2 and black ops but after 2 months i don't like it anymore. But i like sof always. after 3 years. So that's why people have to play and keep it online. Greetz Sventje (Xtreme) |
Ol'Gator Vieras |
#16713.01.2011 20:40If possible bring the lists back |
!BRP!J@ckth3r!pp3r Vieras |
#168 Back13.01.2011 21:14The serverlist is back. Masterserver is up again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
-}PosSe Pulse{- Vieras |
#16913.01.2011 21:31we <3 this game :) |
*Burle*{ph} Vieras |
#170 phew13.01.2011 21:37Cheers jack :) excellent news. Wishal, i say you send this as a sign that we don't like being neglected. Hope you all enjoy a happy LONG life of sof. nice meeting you all. Play you soon *Burle* Puplehaze clan + gametracker member + steam lover .come find me for a game :) |
-=EWC=- GioviXVI* Vieras |
#17113.01.2011 22:08ty for listen us =)...sof2 cant died! =D <3 |
Wishal =) Vieras |
#172 Thanks13.01.2011 22:40Thank you.. Each and every one of you for signing this really i love you guys lol =D <~YB~> Wishal |
[*wWs*] [*$ephreth*] Vieras |
#173 Com'n!13.01.2011 23:42Com'n, put the F***ING server up again please! |
Duane Sandoval Vieras |
#174 Pac1014.01.2011 00:09Ok I have played this game for 15 Y and it's the only game I like so bring back the list. |
Vieras |
#175 Pac1014.01.2011 00:27I hope this works this is the only game I play .been playing this game for 15Y |
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