Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay.
EWC Orchid Vieras |
#176 THanx14.01.2011 03:43Thankyou wishal for making this petition great job!!! Nice to see all the sof noses in one direction!! And thnx for putting the main list back whoever did that thnx from all those who are not ready to stop playing this game. And get back to drawing board for some nice sof2 add on or wotever it would be well appreciated and might bring back the whole cod community back to sof (prob wishfull thinking lol) Was a memorable day for sof!! See you guys around on the main server list :))) |
|>PGS<| $$Bookie$$ Vieras |
#177 Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay14.01.2011 04:13Hey guys we will never be ready to stop playing this game. It's an all time classic so lets keep the petition going and keep this game alive :D |
|>PGS<| $$Bookie$$ Vieras |
#178 Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay14.01.2011 04:14Don't forget to click the link to sign the petition! |
||p!t|| Kanistic Vieras |
#179 pitbullsclan.com14.01.2011 05:30SOF2 is one of the best FPS games out right now. It still has a strong clan base presence from loyal players who has played for the last 8 years. So please keep it alive. We all love to play the newest games that are out, but there is nothing like the game that started it all, like SOF2. You know that you always have to go back to your first love from time to time, lol. |
Indian Devil Vieras |
#180 SOF is the Best... Should not die....14.01.2011 09:02I am playing SOF from last 4 years, and still don't get bored... Keep this game alive... SOF-2 MUST STAY !!! |
}SKLd{BoNeS Vieras |
#181 SKLD Clan14.01.2011 09:29Way to go everyone,...such great support for a great game. |
Vieras |
#182 H@W dracula.fr14.01.2011 11:29le jeu a fait son temps. plus de master, je ne vois rien de grave, on joue tous sur le même serveur tous les jours, voir 2 ou 3 autres pas plus. |
//EWC*Zubu Vieras |
#18314.01.2011 12:19Thanx for brining the masterserv back! SoF2 forever! :D |
Katherine gash Vieras |
#184 shadowkat14.01.2011 13:39ty for bringing back our server list! Keep SOF alive!!!!! ^_^ |
Rausky Vieras |
#18514.01.2011 14:29yeah!!!!!! bring masterserver list back |
!BRP!J@ckth3r!pp3r Vieras |
#186 New Sof14.01.2011 14:36There is a new Sof on its way. Its called Sof Online.... I hope it will have same gamingexperience as Sof 2 has...... |
Kirjoittaja on poistanut viestinsä (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
14.01.2011 14:41- Poiston ajankohta: 14.01.2011
- Poistamisen syy:
*Burle*{ph} Vieras |
#188 sof online14.01.2011 18:34 and it's website hope you read korean |
Sbambala Vieras |
#18914.01.2011 19:45Come on big boss is't asecond for U....bring it back |
Diogo Gaspar Vieras |
#190 SoF214.01.2011 20:47Save it! |
[SC]Ghost Rider Vieras |
#191 Woooo!!!14.01.2011 21:58SOF2 FOR LIFE |
Bruce Goebig Vieras |
#192 gotta keep sof214.01.2011 22:05best fps of all time, i still play online with my friends as much as I can. It'd be a huge loss to gaming if ravensoft decided to end sof2's run |
i.c.u Vieras |
#19314.01.2011 23:08please sir bring back masterserver list.... i will dance around fire with sticks and pray....please sir... bring it back because there might be 2011 sof2 riots.... :o |
Sm Vieras |
#194 Update the Game15.01.2011 00:49Among all of us SOF gamers there has got to be a few smart coders/designers. Im sure we can all team up and code/release an updated SOF2 or something. Screw the game developers they don't care about us. |
*Burle*{ph} Vieras |
#195 servers back up15.01.2011 03:06for all those that haven't heard the master servers are back up, still waiting for an explanation and apology though :) keep signing and writing i reckon, cos it's a good thing to let them know the amount of support still out there for sof2. 10-4 *Burle* purplehaze clan |
Sgt.Slaughter Vieras |
#196 We want our serverlist back15.01.2011 11:40I have been playing for 8 years, I want my server list back ! Lot of young kids play SOF2 next to COD and Black ops etc, just for fun and becos its a good game. My Apocalypse Now SOF2 Goldrush server is running in The Netherlands and I intend to keep it online for many years to come! |
Olly Vieras |
#19715.01.2011 13:42It's not possible, a game that count thousands player risks to die like this... Well no more ravensoftware games for me |
AlY SkuLL Vieras |
#19815.01.2011 14:15Sof2 For Life |
Vieras |
ARAGON Vieras |
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