Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay.
!BRP!J@ckth3r!pp3r Vieras |
#51 Re: SOF2 DH11.01.2011 23:10Come and play at !BRP! server again....;) |
!BRP!Perussola Vieras |
#52 SOF2 Live On!11.01.2011 23:15I Love this Old Game ... I play this Old game ... PLZ .. come back!! |
flash lacher Vieras |
#53 Just becouse of age11.01.2011 23:30Just becouse soldier of fortune is an older game is no reason to unplug the masterserver when there is still people that regularly play it. Some of the people pay a great deal of money for the servers they rent so you are not only taking away the game you are taking away some peoples income too. |
rfl Vieras |
#54 RFL12.01.2011 00:56a gdzie byli rodzice ja sie pytam |
Grandmother Vieras |
#5512.01.2011 01:03sof2 have been died years ago :) now there do not play many ppl and most of them are cheaters. maybe it is a good decision to finnish the game? greetz |
Soldier of Fortune Veteran Vieras |
#56 SHUT UP MoFo's12.01.2011 02:16I bet the most of you MoFo's have a illegal downloaded version !!! or playing with thirdperson or any cheat !!! So SHUT UP !!! and stop whining !!! Greetz the Soldier of Fortune Veteran |
Vieras |
#5712.01.2011 02:50nice place to troll your thoughts. let people have their say without malice .there had to be one, and it had to be you ;) |
}S|<Ld{Nomad Vieras |
#58 sof2 server list12.01.2011 02:55Let it stay!plz bring masterserver list back thnks |
>|S4A|< D4L1CH3 Vieras |
#59 We need servers list12.01.2011 04:52Hi please we really need the server list to dont let the game die. Please put it on again :S |
SKLD_Nighthawk Vieras |
#6012.01.2011 06:20Would be a shame to see one of the greatest games ever created die out due to lack of support from its creators. I think as long as we keep paying to keep servers up and running it can't die out. Our clan plans to keep ours running until hell freezes over,and then some. So the SKLD clan will have servers to come to. |
.prid3bowl* Vieras |
#61 They cant keep us down12.01.2011 06:44Thats not only the server the tuen off but all that great family that game still putting together. This game still kick ass and its not player that kill them for now.. does activision was that close to bankrupcy for needing those money that the sof2 masterserver cost ... I still cann play with the apps gametracker lite en adding manually server..but.. WAKE UP!! |
brad goyette Vieras |
#62 SoF must stay12.01.2011 08:30Please let sof stay this has been my spare time fun for quiet some time. |
Guest Vieras |
#63 Re: SoF must stay12.01.2011 09:25#62: brad goyette - SoF must stay Yes it's me SPANKY! What's going on here. Are they dumping a 1000 players in the bin or what. Get your act together RAVENSOFT. Don't be so cruel!!1 |
}S|<Ld{Wamphyri Vieras |
#64 SoF2 Serverlist12.01.2011 09:34Yes Sof2 is an old game but surprisingly we still see new players enter our servers from time to time who have either picked up the game cheap in the bargain bin or brought it second hand. It just goes to show that the game is not quite dead yet. If the masterlist is down however, then that is a nail in the coffin as any newcomers are unlikely to find our servers. |
>|S4A|< Mojo Vieras |
#6512.01.2011 11:35Hopefully the serverlist will come back soon, getting pretty annpying to connect by ip all the time. |
-=EWC=- GioviXVI* Vieras |
#6612.01.2011 11:47ffs stupid ravensoft! sof still alive cant died!!! FIX BACK SERVERs LIST!!!! =/ |
-=EWC=- GioviXVI* Vieras |
#67 Re:12.01.2011 11:54we arent cheater like u,sorry...if u use cheats dont talk stupid and writhe here! |
TURQUA Vieras |
#68 SE4LIFE12.01.2011 12:18Ex-sof2 v1.00 clan and current MP-Test clan Star-elite is supporting this petition! We've been around on sof since 2003-2004, rolled up full ctf italy around 2006 and we are currently active on the demo version. Taking away sof is taking away my life, so if ravensoft/activision decides to kill sof they should be sued for first degree murder! Btw, my hero Shifty made his own masterserver, more info at . |
Guest Vieras |
#69 Re:12.01.2011 12:32babka chyba cie popierdoliło to że cie jebnął PB to takie głupoty pierdolisz ? | Vieras |
#70 servers list INTERNETJan12.01.2011 12:38Hello Download this servers list INTERNET.pk3 from here: Put it in your sof2 map and replace it with the old one Now you have your internet servers again put as many as possible to your favorits list This is an older list so not all servers are still online but the most are. CAUTION!! DO NOT REFRESH THE SERVERS LIST! all wil be gone again |
EWC*V!ncent* Vieras |
#71 SOF212.01.2011 13:21I think we all need this pure best game! so Why put it Off? For we buy the news?!! Please,Bringback the masterserver list We need it for making sof2on |
HecTic'.be Vieras |
#72 **12.01.2011 13:49
EWC*Et!EnnE Vieras |
#73 serverlist12.01.2011 14:27Bring Back the Server list! please ! |
EWC*DoC* Vieras |
#74 list server12.01.2011 14:30bring back our list server please. |
Fus!on Vieras |
#75 Keep sof2 alive.12.01.2011 14:47Yes! There might not be as many people that play this game still! But the one's who do still play it love it! And many, many people have said there is no game like it. As many have said in here, keep the master server list online! ~Ev!L: rabbiT |
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