Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay.
Scott Jeffrey Vieras |
#1 Master Server List- SOF209.01.2011 09:57I was very troubled to see that Ravensoft has decided, without any apparant notice, to discontinue its hosting of SOF2. The master server list is a key and very important means for people to connect to this all-time classic fps game. Our clan has been supporting SOF2 from almost the date of it's release. We have not only invested time, but also money throughout the years to support the game in order to bring a pleasant gaming experience to both our members and sof2 gamers alike. We strongly urge for the server list to continue, or at least to find an amicable solution to continue it. SOF2 remains a favorite for thousands of players. [SC GATOR] Sabriests Code Clan- SOF2 |
( Old Boys ) Goofy Vieras |
#2 GameTracker users wonder too !09.01.2011 11:50Yes now players starting asking "whats happend" on gametracker forum too.I posted a solution and tell those players there what to do:get servers ip,by Google it,save ip in Favorite in gamestart.But not all know to do that :-( so im afraid we gonna loose players on that old fashion good game world wide..One thing we can do in our server Youngandoldboys,is posting server ip,s so it pops up when u search sof2 on internet.Still players got to wrote ip down and insert it in game manually...So my opinion is:The Games "life" depends on, how good we are to "yell out" ip,s on Internet. Greetz (Old Boys) Goofy. |
Xaver van Hiele Vieras |
#3 sof209.01.2011 11:57sof is a very old game, but still very populair. i play the game for 8 years now, and i still dont get bored :) so plz bring servers back online! |
Beau schram Vieras |
#4 Unbelievable09.01.2011 14:12I cant imagine what will happen if the servers close.. |
Hendruck Vieras |
#509.01.2011 15:09 As you can see there, some ppl created a new master so it's not really going to die... |
Eswar Vieras |
#6 SOF2 should not die!09.01.2011 17:40I love SOF2 and i have been playing it for Last 4 years. Really sad to hear this news. I shall also write to ravensoft. We all should! If we all try togather we can also find a soultion to this. Regards (Old Boys)EtM!! |
Wishal =) |
#709.01.2011 19:05When this petition has alot of signatures maybe 100+ plus or something I will email Raven with this petition. |
Xaver Vieras |
#809.01.2011 20:18*spread* |
BiG NooB Vieras |
#9 _________!!!!!___________09.01.2011 20:44i hope it will come back again !!!!! |
rod neel Vieras |
#1010.01.2011 00:35Keep this game alive... what is the cost for us to do this....??? |
Commando.DK Vieras |
#11 After years of modwork...10.01.2011 03:41Omg Activision are fucking us again! |
Commando.DK Vieras |
#12 Blame Activision10.01.2011 04:00#1: Scott Jeffrey - Master Server List- SOF2 There's no need to blame Ravensoft. They are still redirecting to like always. The IP however is owned by Activision, is no longer responding. If we can persuade Raven to redirect the requests to the new masterserver at then all will be well. | Vieras |
#13 sof210.01.2011 09:31happens every year, it will come back :d |
*Burle*{ph} Vieras |
#14 sof doesn't die.10.01.2011 16:16Nice one for starting the petition Wishal, We need more names to sign though.I'll post the addy on sofplayers, even though it happens every year it wouldn't hurt for activision to know that people still stay loyal to sof2 and always will. |
-=Garbage DinGo=- DooGie Vieras |
#15 SOF2 Live On10.01.2011 18:12After playing this great game since its release it would be a great shame for it to die. Having said that the Master servers weren't down for long and for me at least seem to be ok now :) |
Ron Neeley Vieras |
#16 Please maintain an SOF2 server....10.01.2011 19:39Let me know what I can reasonably contribute.... |
David de Bruijn Vieras |
#17 SOF2 ftw10.01.2011 22:49SOF2 is still alive, and we have to put thanks out for the GREAT community SOF2 still has these days...
Thanks - Rammelslakje |
patrizio aresu Vieras |
#18 SOF2 must stay11.01.2011 00:15don stop a good game |
Vieras |
#1911.01.2011 04:40SOF II is still alive but i hope the thirdperson players will die quickly. |
Rammelslakje Vieras |
#2011.01.2011 11:13LoL I envy that |
SKLD Killerplautze Vieras |
#2111.01.2011 15:04keep it going and share this site |
Wishal =) Vieras |
#22 Re: sof doesn't die.11.01.2011 16:07#14: *Burle*{ph} - sof doesn't die. Thanks man, I really appreciate it! |
Furious_Snooper Vieras |
#2311.01.2011 16:11SOS : Save Our Sof |
Gray Vieras |
#2411.01.2011 16:45I simply love this game....plz bring masterserver list back |
MoonFoX Vieras |
#2511.01.2011 17:10Yeah bring back the masterserver list ive been playing for 9 years now theres no other game as sof =( bringgg itt baaack plsss =) |
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