Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay.
Lee ---- Vieras |
#126 Keep it alive13.01.2011 04:46There are many many people still playing this game, and many who have spent plently of money paying for and maintaining servers/webisites and still pay. We do this because.. WE LOVE THIS SOF2! |
dik wit weed Vieras |
#127 sos13.01.2011 04:50sof will always be in demand , the list being gone is like no coffee/tea/soda/water to start the day :( please bring the master server list back soon , for many people there is no other game that they keep playing and always they come back after trying the new fad games , call it the meat and potatoes of a meal if you will |
Graham Fisher Vieras |
#128 SoF213.01.2011 05:15Now that it looks like the game may die, i'm disabled and its one of the only online games i can play, and it looks like thats going to be taken away from me. Come on you guys don't take a game away i can play. |
|>PGS<| BigBoy Vieras |
#129 |>PGS<| SOFII13.01.2011 05:27Well it has been a good run with this old game,so many good times we all have had, so many clans have fallen but so many still out there.Come on you guys you ripped us with payback now again with this crap...We will remain online.So come on turn on the master list. |
-=EWC=- R!ZzLa Vieras |
#130 Give your heads a shake " RAVENSOFT "13.01.2011 05:27Dont kill a still very popular game thats is 8 - 9 years old and is enjoyed by thousands world wide , and that is gradually making a come back , as other games just aint the same as sof2 . and on a daily basis we see old members coming back to sof2 If you guys kept sof3 as real as sof2 then you would of been onto a winner , as all clans was realy looking forward to it being released only to be dissapointed ! maybe take something from this ravensoft and produce something that is gonna benefit the gaming comunity , and keep it real !! and in the meantime keep the master server list ALIVE ! |
!BRP!J@ckth3r!pp3r Vieras |
#131 Re: I want the servers back!13.01.2011 06:00#116: An old fart from Germany. - I want the servers back! Yeah! Here is one server in UK:
Kirjoittaja on poistanut viestinsä (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
13.01.2011 06:09- Poiston ajankohta: 13.01.2011
- Poistamisen syy:
|>PGS<|WiNKiNG Vieras |
#133 SoF 2 Forever13.01.2011 06:10SoF 2, cant die, its been already here for so long, with a small community of die-hard sof 2 gamers, its small i aigree, but the small community is the die-hard community of sof 2, they sticked to this game, because its fun to play, and they have so much fun with all the mods and soundpacks. it will be stupid for raven to stop the masterlist, since there are still people playing this game, and will always play this game. i have for fun installed the first edition of soldier of fortune, and that serverlist is still showing, with only 10 people still playing that game, if i should say it, close masterlist out of sof 1, since only 10 people still play that game, this game still over 300 people play it. SoF 2 is also more fun for people to play, so let us have that fun, its shoulnd't be that big of a deal the leave the masterlist running for a small fun game like this. |
|>PGS<|WiNKiNG Vieras |
#134 SoF213.01.2011 06:14SOF 2 FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! |
Boxchower Vieras |
#135 WHY????13.01.2011 06:33SOF2 is a classic game one of the best fps shooter games around. Its still very popular today. I do hope you reconsider. Please keep this game alive.... |
shreyash shetty Vieras |
#13613.01.2011 06:38. |
[SC]SmaRty** Vieras |
#137 SOF2 forever!!!!!13.01.2011 07:46Soldier of Fortune must Stay!!!! |
Kirjoittaja on poistanut viestinsä (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
13.01.2011 08:32- Poiston ajankohta: 13.01.2011
- Poistamisen syy:
Vieras |
#139 A.K13.01.2011 08:33Good 2 Play IN this Server With all Great Players |
ph playdead (purple) Vieras |
#140 it will come back13.01.2011 08:39Hi all, this message is from dinks clan demobase...good news i think>> MESSAGE QUOTE (Thien Nguyen @ Activision) Hello and thank you for contacting Activision Technical Support, We are currently looking into this matter and ask for your patience at this time. Once an update is available, a response will be posted for you onto this incident. |
An old fart from Germany (lookin for a clan) Vieras |
#141 Here you still gonna find active SOF servers13.01.2011 10:15 I tried it out and it works. The only thing is, that you have to register (for free) there. You can start the game right from that platform (as it was on hlsw in earlier times). Perhaps that can be a solution for you all. Shoot straight! |
//EWC*ScoobyDoofus Vieras |
#142 DOUBLE U TEA F13.01.2011 10:51BRING OUR SERVER LIST BACK !!! Dont let the greatest game ever die out !! |
Ani Dimitrova Vieras |
#14313.01.2011 10:58Uh? |
-=[FF]=-Panic Vieras |
#144 Re: it will come back13.01.2011 11:40#140: ph playdead (purple) - it will come back ^^ Yeah good news! Thanks Playdead!
Also big thanks to all PH inc *Burle*{ph} for their efforts in helping the cause.
For a really helpful server list, and instructions how to use it, go here (thanks again to PH)
We too at FF are doing all we can to get as many sigs as possible here, good idea to show Raven how many people still use their product!
keeping SOF2 v1.0 alive
Big John Vieras |
#145 Get outta bitchmode13.01.2011 12:30of course sof2 needs to stay .. subscribe to my youtube channel at |
ahzazell Vieras |
#146 if sof die i die too13.01.2011 12:37sofII is my life |
Jakub Vieras |
#14713.01.2011 13:23Sof2 forever! dont let it die! |
Vieras |
#14813.01.2011 14:38Keep SOF2 Online. Signed, Dancers Fiancee. !!!! |
pathetic Vieras |
#149 Re:13.01.2011 15:19moderator can you please remove this post and #110. Its way oftopic and doesn't help the petition at all |
James Barr Vieras |
#150 SOF must stay13.01.2011 15:28What they said |
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