Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay.
!BRP!Neo Vieras |
#2611.01.2011 17:20I play sof2 for 3 years now,and love the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so PLZ ravensoft or activision DONT KILL OUR BELOVED GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope this helps |
Vieras |
#27 Lee11.01.2011 17:32Bring it back plz! were not done with it yet :) We love Sof2 raven! |
Slick Vieras |
#2811.01.2011 17:33Maybe it should be an idea to bring it back now even server hosts starts to close servers because the Master Serverlist is not there. Please put the master serverlist back because you will lose a lot of players who still like to play it |
Malf Vieras |
#29 Hello11.01.2011 17:34Wanna see servers again! This oldie got still players! |
Rodriguez Eric Vieras |
#30 No way!!11.01.2011 17:36It's the only game I play!!!!! |
FREE[R!fle] Vieras |
#3111.01.2011 18:00sof is a very old game, but still very populair. so plz bring servers back online! |
!BRP!J@ckth3r!pp3r Vieras |
#3211.01.2011 18:35I hope the serverlist will come back up. Or else ths game might die! This is the best fps EVER!!!!!!! I also wants masterserver back up.......!!!!!!! |
Active! Vieras |
#33 SoF must stay11.01.2011 18:46Yeah SoF2 must stay! , its the best game FPS !!! #h$.Clan! # hoOliGaN$s!
~MaLaN~ Vieras |
#34 Stop11.01.2011 18:49Please secure this game. It's the legend of all games!!! Sof 2 Forever <3 ~MaLaN~ |
Ess-Mr.Pump Vieras |
#35 Re:11.01.2011 18:58 |
|GoDz|Excellent Vieras |
#36 add to favorites11.01.2011 18:59Best game ever, they should make a new mod instead of the crappy cod series. |
HuNTeR Vieras |
#37 This is impossible ...11.01.2011 19:00How could u erased this game from history, this is impossible. That title is game od universe, to many people grew whit this game but not for that forget about her just play and reminding about old good time wich spended whit this game. Don't do it if u do not have. |
#38 master server list hosting must be kept alive11.01.2011 19:26This service is a must for games like this. Without it there would be even less traffic on our servers. If you don't want to host it at least find another company or person to host it. It can't be costing that did sell a game with MP available so you must keep The list hosting up.. |
Phenom Vieras |
#39 SAVE SOF11.01.2011 20:03Dont get rid of it, Save SOF2 |
Vieras |
#4011.01.2011 20:17best fps! |
Spaceway Vieras |
#4111.01.2011 20:25Yeah SoF2 must stay! , its the best game FPS !!! so please let it come back , i think u will lose much people of you dont... SOF 2 MUST STAY !!! `#h$.Clan! # hoOliGaN$s! |
//EWC*Zubu Vieras |
#42 #4211.01.2011 20:49I am a long time SOF2 player and despite many other new fps games I still absolutely love SOF2! Please bring the server list back! Elite Wild Clan Zubu |
ph playdead (purple) Vieras |
#43 servers list INTERNET11.01.2011 21:05Hello Download this servers list INTERNET.pk3 from here: Put it in your sof2 map and replace it with the old one Now you have your internet servers again put as many as possible to your favorits list This is an older list so not all servers are still online but the most are. CAUTION!! DO NOT REFRESH THE SERVERS LIST! all wil be gone again |
Vieras |
#4411.01.2011 21:26Fuckers give me mine servers CwaNiak |
timathy gray Vieras |
#45 stay11.01.2011 21:44keep it up. we still need to play lol |
[PH]Player Vieras |
#4611.01.2011 21:59Let The SOF DONT DIE and POST IT ON every Forum for all servers ;) WE ALL LOVE SOF !!!! Keep it up People ! |
beerrr Vieras |
#4711.01.2011 22:11here u have a good list: sof2 never die! |
}S|<Ld{VeNoM Vieras |
#48 <{Re:11.01.2011 22:58Yes we need to keep this game..... |
`hoOls[+]*Fono Vieras |
#49 get real11.01.2011 23:00I dont care if new shooter games have 1000 gb of graphics, I NEED MY SOF II LSIT BACK keep it Alive please, this game is classic , educational , and better!!! What will play your child in 10 years ? callof duty shit ?WRONG---> SOF II |
Markus Forsnor Vieras |
#50 SOF2 DH11.01.2011 23:09Love this game stopped playing because servers dont work and crashes !! |
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