Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay
Ota yhteyttä adressin tekijään
Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Soldier of Fortune 2 must stay.
Vieras |
#276 Re: Yes it is....... HereticTeam.com01.07.2013 15:15 |
Vieras |
#277 Re: Yes it is....... HereticTeam.com01.07.2013 15:17#88: [Heret!c]Dope. - Yes it is....... hay guyz Arkain her i m haveing trouble findding the map down load page can some 1 help me et a hold of me at arkain89@hot mail>com plz help |
factnotfiction |
#278 faceitbook #207.07.2013 11:36the gay version of gaming with its soccer moms & old degenerates has beens who got punked in h.s. that now have become computer tough guys talking shit behind a monitor if your a non clan member espeicialy and why in the hell can a server seem to think its ok to change your settings &fuck with your play by controlling your movement you (Coward Gutless Sucks) |
Teo |
#27907.09.2013 22:00seems now is down again... hope is not 4eva.. |
Vieras |
#28009.09.2013 18:20I'm playing since 2010 and enjoy from Soldier of Fortune II. Don't ignore us message and just let us play! Ravensoft come on! Soldier of Fortune II must stay, it is just a family for me on the net. Please don't close. I have many friends on Soldier of Fortune 2 and I dont want to lose them please! sof|legend|domination |
Vieras |
#281 Re: Yes it is....... HereticTeam.com21.10.2013 19:39 |
Vieras |
#282 i got banned21.10.2013 19:42hay Raven I was playing the other day and got banned from heretic KING can you help me out plz this is ARKA!N CAN alittle help plz lololololol |
Vieras |
#283 Re: Yes it is....... HereticTeam.com21.10.2013 19:47#88: [Heret!c]Dope. - Yes it is....... hay guys its ARKAIN CAN i got banned the other day i hope this message finds the right heretic member i need help plz thank you |
Vieras |
#28421.10.2013 19:48help heretic team I got banned the other day a little help plz who ever finds this message in a bottle lololol HHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPP lol |
fiosz |
#28513.11.2013 08:13been playing this game since I was 9-10 years old, I'm almost 20 now, this game CANNNOT die, one of the best childhood memories I have Is playing that game. |
freddy |
#286 SOF212.12.2013 19:23Holy moly, this game was one of my favorites back in the day! My friends introduced me to this game in high school (2002-03)!! I played it for years and kicked the crap out of so many people and actually built up a name for myself on that damn game :) If any of you remember (devildog) that was me! Funny thing is I actually joined the army, not the marines haha :) I would love to get back into this game and start kicking ass again, but there was no one online anymore. How do I go about playing again??? Someone knowledgeable PM me. |
heretic.head.shot |
#287 Re: Yes it is....... HereticTeam.com14.02.2014 18:16 |
GF. |
#288 SOF216.06.2014 Game Server IP /connect |
si traigan los server |
#289 Re: sof207.07.2014 20:16 |
Vieras |
#29018.07.2014 01:48i've been playing sof2 for many years and it has been a great experience. This game is never boring, so please bring it back |
lemonadesoda |
#291 Long live SOF220.07.2014 22:37The master servers are down again. Please bring them back online. We love SOF2. Who owns and hosts the master server? Why take it offline? I'm sure someone in the community would be happy to host it. I would... I've got plenty of spare bandwidth on my server(s)... |
~cGs*Nick |
#29225.07.2014 15:55The master servers are down again. Please bring them back online. We love SOF2. |
CommandoO |
#29328.11.2014 21:48people still play this?
ps; i was AMAZING at this game | |
#294 Comadnoooo21.12.2014 16:29Hooligans Clan SoF2 Community, join to our big family ! Facebook @ Youtube @ Go To :
no edit |
#29511.01.2015 01:33blk\rose |
opt out#76 |
#29611.01.2015 01:38odd i start on this page\ok |
Antman |
#297 New sof2mp.exe to get master server list26.01.2015 14:22download the sof2mp.exe for your game from here and you can get a master server list. if you run a server add the new master list to it so you will show.
here is a link to it: |
Antman |
#298 new master server list27.01.2015 01:20 |
Cortez |
#299 sof224.03.2016 02:55sof2 is gay along with all the retarded NL kids that ruin the game. |
PapaStoned |
#300 Re: Great Work People.11.04.2017 15:22#209: [DiA]dogger:']['@: TAgamingservers - Great Work People. You still around |
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