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#28277 Re: Re: Vale, emävale, Raamattu

14.02.2014 18:09

#28275: - Re: Vale, emävale, Raamattu

Ehkä oikealta ajalta, mutta ei oikeasta paikasta:

"Archaeologists have established that camels were probably domesticated in the Arabian Peninsula for use as pack animals sometime towards the end of the 2nd millennium BCE. In the southern Levant, where Israel is located, the oldest known domesticated camel bones are from the Aravah Valley, which runs along the Israeli-Jordanian border from the Dead Sea to the Red Sea and was an ancient center of copper production."


Mutta jos haluaa uskoa, ei todisteaineistosta ja sen oikeasta tulkinnasta ole niin väliä....




#28278 Päivän tilasto: kirkosta eroamiset

2014-02-14 18:16:05