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/ #31960

17.03.2014 23:12

Toinen artikkeli samasta tutkimuksesta painottaa hälyttäviä löytöjä Hiv-riskistä WSW- ryhmässä.
WSW -ryhmää on pidetty hyvin vaarattomana terveysriskiensä suhteen:"A related editorial mentions that the study is noteworthy in demonstrating an "alarming prevalence" of HIV-related risk behaviors in women who have had sex with women.
2 The author warns that such women, although traditionally considered "low-risk," may, in fact, act as a bridge population for transmission of the virus because of their sexual links to men who may themselves be at high risk.  Tällainen nainen voi olla  viruksen leviämisen siltana omien seksuaalisten linkkiensä takia.

This "provocative evidence" is important, the editorial argues, because traditional assumptions that female-female sex confers little risk and that the area is not worthy of study have meant that data on the epidemiology of STIs in women who have had sex with women are seriously lacking. --L. Remez