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/ #18367 Re: Re: Re: Re: Buddhan opin perusta

02.08.2013 21:54

#18366: - Re: Re: Re: Buddhan opin perusta


Exoduksessa meni sitten lopulta saappaat ristiin Jeesuksenkin kanssa:

...ough Whitten tips his hat to Luther, Calvin, and other Reformers for getting justification by faith correct, he alleges that they got wrong the doctrine of sanctification. And “nothing has changed in the church for 500 years,” Whitten tells us. Until now, that is. Whitten believes that his understanding of grace is inaugurating a Second Reformation. “And the gospel is going to become good news again,” Whitten claims.

Sadly, what Clark Whitten calls “pure grace” is really “cheap grace.” I’m sure that Rev. Whitten is a very nice man and means well. I’ve never met him personally and bear him no personal ill-will. Nevertheless, I believe that he is terribly misguided in thinking that the Reformers misunderstood the gospel when they proclaimed that a transformed life was the necessary outcome of genuine saving faith.

This is how the German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer (martyred near the end of Hitler’s reign) defined “cheap grace” in his classic book The Cost of Discipleship (1937): “Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, communion without confession.”

That is exactly what Clark (and Alan) teaches: Forgiveness without having to repent of grossly immoral behavior, an end to church discipline since                all sin is equal                   and all believers sin regularly                 , and a view of confessing our sins to God after conversion                   as a waste of time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bonhoeffer adds: “Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace witho..