Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo .
Anton Andryshevskyi Vieras |
#405 A-Ha I LOVE YOU!!!!04.11.2010 21:28This is LIVE LEGEND |
Mad Nad Vieras |
#406 Awwwww05.11.2010 07:45Ok, so I am one of MANY people who have loved this group since the 80s. I would love nothing more to fly to Oslo and see them perform again (I had the joy of seeing them in New York on May 6th of this year) but due to one hundred or more mitigating factors, I, along with everyone else on here, am unable to go. And as I need to bawl my eyes out AGAIN (May 6th springs to mind) we need to make it happen! |
Lanita Russell Vieras |
#412 Worldwide Request to A-ha To Live Stream On Internet05.11.2010 16:52Live Streaming A-ha's Final Concert in Oslo is very important to the fans because they have been an integral part of our lives. The music industry wanted to portray them as pretty boys or poster boys of the 80's. A-ha has proved them wrong. Our fans have supported a-ha when they disappeared from the music scene of the late 80's. The fans have been very loyal and hate to see them depart as a group. By streaming their show on the Internet will give us a sense of closure with the band. Bands come and go, but A-ha has left a great impression worldwide than any other band known in our generation. There will not be another band like them just like there will not be another Michael Jackson. So for the fans, please live stream the final concert, we would highly appreciate it and it's our way of saying goodbye to the greatest band on earth. We will deeply miss A-ha! AHA4EVER! Lanita Russell |
Petition author |
#413 Re: Worldwide Request to A-ha To Live Stream On Internet06.11.2010 05:08 |
Petition author |
#414 Deleted post06.11.2010 05:13Sorry by the deleted posts because all of them were SPAM |
Egle Saltmere Vieras |
#415 you are always in my heart07.11.2010 20:53I will to see A-HA concert every day. It is amazing, wonderful, great... I cant to say "goodbye"... |
veronik aguero Vieras |
#416 Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo09.11.2010 14:30Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo |
#41709.11.2010 17:18VERY WANT!!!!! |
Vieras |
#418 Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo09.11.2010 17:50Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo I love!!! |
Oksana Bodnia Vieras |
#419 A-ha09.11.2010 19:07I want to see on Internet The Final concert of A-ha in Oslo!!! |
Natasha Novikova Vieras |
#420 Everyone want to be in Oslo on December 4 :)12.11.2010 15:52I will be in Moscow on December 4, but my heart and my soul will be in Oslo. If we really should say "Goodbye" to this amazing band, we want to do it together. Music is forever, but if it's the last chance to see this talented men together - we can't miss it. Please, don't forget about us - about the whole world))) |
Nata Plat Vieras |
#421 A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo12.11.2010 16:27I really hope to see a Final Concert of A-ha by Internet in real-time. |
Victoria Piankova Vieras |
#42212.11.2010 16:45I visited spectacular St-Peteburg gig yesterday, it was fantastic. It'll be a shame to miss the Oslo concert. |
Anja Romanowa Vieras |
#423 RUSSIA, Moscow-Ivanovo12.11.2010 17:10Listening should be in Russia! Moscow A-HA concert was the best, most anticipated and gorgeous! Paul, Mags and Morten always in our hearts and thoughts! You ask: "How can I SLEEP with your voice in my head?" But how can we LIVE without your music? That's impossible! |
#424 a-ha forever12.11.2010 21:26please, let them see at least on the Internet to us poor Italian fans |
mariela ibañez Vieras |
#425 A-HA: THE BEST FOREVER !!!!!12.11.2010 22:41I love A-HA, they are the best so everybody needs see they. A-HA forever !!!! |
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