Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo .
Ekaterina Demkina Vieras |
#47619.11.2010 18:20Please! |
Julia Kondakova Vieras |
#47719.11.2010 20:05A-Ha - part of my life! I want to share it with my friends. I want the rest people who cant go to the last concert have chance to see it! |
Suzanne Vieras |
#478 Live stream final a-ha concert - Australia wants to see it!19.11.2010 22:17It would be absolutely amazing to see a-ha in concert and experience such beautiful music live. Unfortunately I won't have the opportunity to travel to attend any of a-ha's final concerts. I did think though that it would be wonderful if they could broadcast their final concert live - particularly in Australia who had remained ever so hopeful of a-ha making it here. Perhaps a venue in one of our major cities would consider broadcasting it on a large screen and entry fees to the venue could be donated to Mercy Ships. What do Australians think of this idea? |
Irina Soloshenko Vieras |
#47920.11.2010 00:40Nice a-ha)))))) I very love you) I love your music gently already 24 years, I heard you, when I was 16 years ago and I lived in the USSR)))))) I grew, married, was in mourning on the first husband, met the real love - lost it. And all of it is indissolubly related to your music) I will not be able to depart in Oslo, because have a little child and duties. But, after a concert in Kiev, I can not listen music of other bands))))) I listen a-ha)))))I very ask you, to enable to hear on-line you, to feel together with you, say you - I WAIT YOU)))))))))) Always! |
Nina Zhiltsova Vieras |
#480 please give us a chance!!!20.11.2010 01:04I've been to your concert in Kiev, 2006. And it was the most wonderfull event of my life, never to forget. But due to circumstances resistless I've missed your last concert this November and have no words to express my regrets about it... And i'm not only one like this!! Please give the world a CHANCE to see you one more time!! With Love & Respect |
theAhaman Vieras |
#48120.11.2010 14:44Please! We love you! 4/12/2010 last concert on the internet! Yes? |
Julia Gaidukova Vieras |
#48220.11.2010 21:56pam pam pam |
michel daalen Vieras |
#484 live a-ha21.11.2010 20:35the last a-ha live on internet. |
Vieras |
#485 live a-ha21.11.2010 20:37live a-ha on internet |
Зоя Zoya Vieras |
#486 ))22.11.2010 14:08I want to see them again |
willy rivero Vieras |
#487 a-ha por internet23.11.2010 00:39hola amigos espero poder ver el recital de despedida de los maximos por internet, yo estuve en el recital despedida del luna park buenos aires argentina del 4-3-2010. inolvidable y los mas grandes, abeazos para todos |
Natalia Vieras |
#48823.11.2010 14:53I want to see the last concert of my favorite band very much, but i have not such opportunity to be in Oslo on 4ht December. So i would like to see the translation of the show. It will be a nice chance for all to see A-ha last time together. |
Kirjoittaja on poistanut viestinsä (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
23.11.2010 14:53- Poiston ajankohta: 23.11.2010
- Poistamisen syy:
Dmitry Spiridonov Vieras |
#49023.11.2010 14:57Guys, I'll miss you a lot. Your art was like "the blood, that moves a body" for last 5 years of mine. I visited (and filmed) your concert in SPb 11.11.2010, and live translation from the last gig could be some kind of a sweet pill in extremely bitter mug of your going away. |
Natasja Vieras |
#492 wonderboys23.11.2010 17:11A-ha the 3 wonderboys. Yes they must be on-line. I hope that this petition will succeed! |
Svetlana Svetlana Vieras |
#49424.11.2010 12:21please! |
Kirjoittaja on poistanut viestinsä (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
24.11.2010 12:22- Poiston ajankohta: 24.11.2010
- Poistamisen syy:
Oleg ILIN Vieras |
#49624.11.2010 13:33I remember your hit "Take on me" . It`s wonderfull! Thank you. I had nice childhood by this..... |
Sandra Vieras |
#497 Y E S, please!!!24.11.2010 17:55Although a live stream would only be the second best option - at least it would be an option! :-) |
Olga Totskaya Vieras |
#49824.11.2010 20:53Please do it! |
Thomas Croonenbroeck Vieras |
#49924.11.2010 23:34please dont stop the music!!!!! |
Lesley Wright Vieras |
#50025.11.2010 12:06Please please please stream the final concert in Oslo |
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