Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo .
Vieras |
#37602.11.2010 18:02!!!!!!! |
Marco Seifermann Vieras |
#379 fair enough02.11.2010 20:55I actually do have a ticket for the last concert, but many other do not have......and many people do not have time or money to join us. It would be such a peacful sign to all fans on earth, to share such emotional night together; worldwide. I don't think, that the band will loose money because of that. Probably they even earn more because of the publicity. Thank you and I wish you all the best Marco |
Nicole Vieras |
#380 A-ha, please share your last hurrah with us!!02.11.2010 23:02Please do transmit the final show in Oslo on 4th December via Internet so that all the millions of fans all over the world can join to see and listen to a-ha for a last time to say goodbye! A-ha has always been and will always be my favorite 80s' band since I was eleven years old in 1985, they were part of my youth as they were for probably most of their fans. I was so happy to be at their concert in Nuremberg on 21th October and I will never ever forget these two hours although they were very sentimental both for the audience and the band. Morten's still looking so cute and his wonderful and unique voice will always remain something special! We would be so glad about a livestream as the ending of a-ha is sad enough, and we will most probably never get the chance to see them live again. Millions of fans could be made the happiest in the world that night, so please make this a unique goodbye as a-ha has always been over 25 years!!!!!! |
HyeKyu Yum Vieras |
#381 A-HA03.11.2010 03:07A-HA Forever! |
paula m. Vieras |
#38203.11.2010 04:52It would be so great to watch a-ha on their final concert live on internet. Of course it could never be as great as actually being there but its close:). |
Raymond Chang Kuala Lumpur |
#383 Living a boy's dream03.11.2010 05:06We will never get to see a-ha in this part of the world. The internet is the only medium where we get to see their one final act. |
Cornelia Kesper Vieras |
#384 Please put your last concert in Oslo on live stream !!03.11.2010 06:21Dear Morten ! Dear Magne ! Dear Pal ! Please, put your final concert on live stream to unite all of your fans at this last event of a-ha. So that we all - even, if we can't be in Oslo at that time - can share it. Not only, because it would maximize the fun, but as well because it would make it easier to say farewell. It's always sad to hear things like that in the news. Like: "Oslo: yesterday the last live-concert of a-ha took place. Now the music group a-ha doesn't exist anymore." Much, much better, if you have memories of that very last event, which you can share with others, than a neutral news-flash. Hopefully, Yours, Cornelia |
Josh Caspez Vieras |
#387 Please!03.11.2010 07:41I just started listenting to A-Ha a couple of months ago. (Just a bit late) They are awesome! I'd really love to see them live but won't be able to. This would be the next best thing. |
laetitia besson Vieras |
#388 nos adieu03.11.2010 08:52depuis tant d'année a suivre le groupe a_ha c'est une parti de notre vie qui va s'éteindre avec le groupe , le lieu ne sera jamais assez grand pour acceuillir tous les fan .aujourd hui il y a des moyen tres symple de voir en direct alors pourquoi pas efin de se sentir uni pour ce jour .merci encore a A_HA que j'aime au plus profond de mon coeur |
Bea Vieras |
#389 a-ha live03.11.2010 10:08For those who cannot attend, this would be a way to be close and enjoy another bittersweet farewell experience (on a high note!) :) XXXXXX |
Tony Lewis Vieras |
#390 A - HA'S .... Final Concert03.11.2010 13:59If it at all could be happen this would be wonderful. For myself and so many others this will be are only way to attend. I do wish to thank you! for your contribution of music, Of which delights me always. Thank you A-HA |
Vieras |
#39103.11.2010 16:12I could afford it but even if there were still tickets available I wouldn´t dare to invest even more time and money after the disappointing appearances in germany. My former favourite band should make up for that with a good final concert, broadcast free of charge. |
Guest Vieras |
#392 Re: fair enough03.11.2010 18:56#379: Marco Seifermann - fair enough Thanks Marco for your signation and join the ones who can't go ! |
Vitaliy Nosenko Vieras |
#39603.11.2010 20:29good |
Kate Mikhailova Vieras |
#39803.11.2010 20:59He-he...A-HA FOREVER!... I very much would like to see a-ha on air in Saint-Petersburg,Russia! I can noy live without a-ha ))) Thanks for understanding...! |
Dino R Vieras |
#399 A-HA NO SE SEPAREN!!04.11.2010 01:28A-HA NO SE SEPAREN!! |
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