Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo .
nito nitomix 2mil10 Vieras |
#301 urgente15.10.2010 04:16claro que me gustaria ver en vivo el recital de a-ha en su despedida desde ya muchas gracias nitomix |
Gina van Haperen-Tijnagel Vieras |
#302 So many fans, so little chance...15.10.2010 17:39Hey, I've seen their concert in A'dam, 10-10-2010. It was my first ever and how I have enjoyed it! Even my 2 daughters loved it. It was fantastic. The live performance was awesome. I was already a fan 25 years ago. It's a shame they are retirering. There are so many fans who like to be there in Oslo. So yes if there is a possibility to be there and to see and hear them, in another way....Please give this last, united possibility, for all over the world to their fans. We will always be gratefull. |
Amanda Billien Vieras |
#303 a-ha - Please Live Stream Your Final Concert16.10.2010 11:55Message to the brilliantly talented a-ha; please, please, please, Live Stream your final concert on the internet as I like many others are unfortunately unable to be in Oslo in December, (however, I look forward to seeing you live at Wembley in November). Many many thanks, love & hugs, Amanda xx |
audrey camberlin Vieras |
#30416.10.2010 12:41comon guys,celebrate the last one with 'all' your fans around the world ! |
Ana Casares Vieras |
#305 A-HA THE GREATEST MUSIC BAND ALL TIMES16.10.2010 16:39Hello to everybody!!! I think A-HA are the most wonderful, delicious and elegant band of music of the history!!!!!!!!!! Their MUSIC and MORTEN'S VOICE are insuperable and eternal!!!!!!!!!!!!! For me, THERE IS NOBODY AS THEM... I do not like to speak about this farewell... Only I wanted to request, PLEASE, that this great musical event, unique and unrepeatable, so emotive, could be seen live by Internet by all those that so much we admire and love them and that, surely, we will not be able to be there present... We would remain eternally been grateful to who or those who have the faculty to achieve it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope very much people encourage to request this transmission and between all let's be able obtain it!!!!!!!!! Many, many thanks! Ana Casares. |
Olga Casares Vieras |
#306 A-HA YOU ARE THE VERY BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!16.10.2010 17:03After meeting you live in Madrid (MAGNIFICENT CONCERT) now I hope we you could admire once again across Internet in your so emotive and fantastic concert of December 4 in Oslo... I wish very much that this is possible because you are WONDERFUL, THE BEST OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of us are waiting for to be able to enjoy with you this so special day!!!!!!!!! MANY KISSES for the 3!!!!!! Olga Casares. |
Kirjoittaja on poistanut viestinsä (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
17.10.2010 10:45- Poiston ajankohta: 17.10.2010
- Poistamisen syy:
Ronald de Bokx Vieras |
#308 Live A-ha concert bekijken in oslo via internet!!!17.10.2010 10:57Hallo allemaal, Ik zag op internet dat er een pettie getekend kan worden voor het live bekijken van het aller laatste concert van a-ha! Mischien komt dat ook dichter bij als iedereen een beetje van A-ha muziek hou dit wil tekenen! Want een beetje video materiaal zou super zijn! Daar moeten we het mee doen want A-ha stopt er mee helaas! Groetjes Ronald de Bokx |
Neus Paez Islan Vieras |
#309 Final concert in Oslo17.10.2010 11:46Seria genial que todos los fans de a-ha pudieramos disfrutar de su último concierto. A-ha forever! |
Vieras |
#31017.10.2010 17:22My father wouldn't go with me, so I cannot go. I can't go alone. So for me it would great if I can watch it on the internet. |
Zilli Meng Vieras |
#311 I Love You17.10.2010 18:10 A-ha ihr seid einfach spitze ich habe all die Jahre eure Songs verfolgt schade das Ihr nicht mehr weiter Spiel ...........Riesen Lob von mir Zilli aus Deutschland .....Mit euren Song Hunting high habe ich meine erste liebe gefunden Thanks Boys |
Vieras |
#31217.10.2010 18:13Ich werde euch in Hamburg beim Konzert besuchen ...........Eure Zilli |
Zilli Meng Vieras |
#31317.10.2010 18:20Bitte Antwortet mir auch einmal bitte ihr seit echt die beste Gruppe die besten Songs habt Ihr geschrieben eure Zilli |
Zilli u. Adrienne Vieras |
#314 Re: So many fans, so little chance...17.10.2010 20:15#302: Gina van Haperen-Tijnagel - So many fans, so little chance... Aha Ihr seit echt die besten , ich habe all die Jahre eure ganzen Songs verfolgt ......Schade das Ihr nicht weiter singt Ihr seit einfach Spitze I Love You for ever.........Schreibt mir bitte auch mal eure Zilli u. Adrienne |
Ellen Schuurman Vieras |
#315 Please17.10.2010 20:31Please let us all enjoy the last concert |
Frieda Veen Vieras |
#316 We want more17.10.2010 20:47Please!!!! My doughter want's to see you, she is 8 years old!!!!! |
Patrick Veen Vieras |
#317 We want more17.10.2010 20:48Give us more please!!!! |
Ignacio bazan Vieras |
#318 Please18.10.2010 01:23Cannot say anything else, can I? |
Mags Morley Vieras |
#31918.10.2010 10:32Please share the last Hurrah with all of us |
ria theunissen Vieras |
#320 For A-ha fans who can't be at the last ever concert!18.10.2010 16:46Hello, I wish A-ha fans can watch their favourite band,on their last concert ever!I am lucky to be in Oslo the 4th of December!So here's my request for Live Stream on the internet! MUCH LUCK!! Bye,GREETINGS RIA from Holland |
auke Vieras |
#321 it would be unique18.10.2010 17:34It would be unique and i think for te first time in history that a band had their final on live comon guys !i think it would be great opportunity. i hope there also comes a dvd,but would not be the same if we've got the 4th in person on live scream.. think the management allready knows that we want the live stream..hope they make the dreams of alle fans around the world come true !because some people can't go because they are to young,to old,sick ... |
MAY Vieras |
#322 Request To A-HA To Live19.10.2010 07:53I`m a japanese. |
Magdalena Vieras |
#323 zum letzten Mal A-ha19.10.2010 13:35Servus, nach dem umjubelten Konzert gestern in der Münchner Olympiahalle kann ich einfach nicht glauben, dass es vorbei sein soll. Bitte - laßt uns A-ha am 04.12.2010 nochmals alle live erleben......! Danke! |
Gleison Ribeiro Vieras |
#324 Só uma forçinha....20.10.2010 21:59Façam isso por nós reles mortais,fãs da melhor banda da história!!!! transmitam esse show!!! |
Alexandra Barreto Vieras |
#32520.10.2010 22:02Não podemos ficar de fora dessa afinal A-ha não é só mais uma banda faz parte de nossas vidas! |
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