Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo .
niki Cheremi Vieras |
#25117.09.2010 11:54I like a-ha |
Vieras |
#25217.09.2010 11:54I like a-ha |
Olya K Vieras |
#253 PLS17.09.2010 13:54PLS PLS PLS |
Larisa Vieras |
#25417.09.2010 13:57All of us heart hope on it !!! |
Daniel Contessoto Vieras |
#255 Vocês são parte de nossas vidas18.09.2010 02:02E com isso já que estamos distantes, só desta forma para ficar um pouco mais próximo desta banda querida chamada a-ha, em nome de Mogi Guaçu, peço que o show em oslo seja tranmitido ao vivo. Obrigado |
John Sposato Vieras |
#256 Stream18.09.2010 03:54Since a show at Colour Line Arena was live online three years ago, maybe this one can be as well. |
Sarah Prestemon Vieras |
#257 If you insist on ending new music...18.09.2010 07:20Please let the world be present for this last hurrah. This is especially important to those of us whose cities/towns, not to mention regions, you did not visit. The DC Metro Area has been and will continue to be a lonelier place without A-ha. Thank you for your time and consideration. |
#258 en telefon fra en fan som elsker deg ...18.09.2010 21:01A-HA, kan du, siden du har separert og har allerede forlatt hjertene til mange mennesker, det minste du bør gjøre er å prøve showet skal holdes i Oslo, Gosh vi fans gjør det umulige mulig for deg og du vet hva jeg snakker om er egentlig å gjøre det i hvert fall for oss, kan du, når du leser denne meldingen, mener jeg, hvis du leser, ikke sant?! etter alt jeg har å sørge for at du leser alt, men det spiller ingen rolle for meg, jeg bare uttrykke mine tanker, men hele mitt hjerte håper jeg at du leser meldingen min. Vel dette er hva jeg kom til å spørre, kringkaste showet. |
DANNY ANDRADE @-#@ Vieras |
#259 a desperate plea from a fan ...18.09.2010 21:02A-HA, please, since you have separated and have already left the hearts of many people, the least you should do is to sample the show to be held in Oslo, gosh we fans do everything possible for you and you know what I'm talking about is true, at least do it for us, please, when you read this message, I mean, if you read, right?! after all I have to make sure you read everything, but it does not matter to me, I'm just expressing my thoughts, but with all my heart I hope that you read my message. well this is what I came to ask, broadcast the show. |
Vieras |
#26019.09.2010 21:22Unfortunately I can not come at the last concert in Oslo and would be very glad to see their concert online with everyone! |
Vasily Danyaev Vieras |
#261 Yes, I want!19.09.2010 21:25Yes, I want Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo!!! :) |
Vieras |
#262 A-ha trades20.09.2010 08:27Hi: I am a collector of A-ha. Here I send my dvds. If you are interested in trading, please send me your list. Thank you. This is my blog:
#263 to all and to A-HA21.09.2010 10:52I will not be there, I would like so much..
The only show I will see is the one in Paris on Oct, 12th 2010. The only one... But the most wonderful one like the others I have seen in France during the 25 years of A-ha A-ha is and will stay A-ha forever.
My heart is empty from sadness, tears..
All fans will share the same feeling and all fans that love a-ha do not find their words and how to express what is their feeling at a time when a-ha will stop making good songs and musics... It is for all for sure the end of a great history... The end of something, the end of a dream...I discovered a-ha when I was 12...I am 37 today
I do not know how I will be after the show..I think it will be very difficult, and for all fans for sure, The idea to broadcast the last show through Internet is good.. And so like a dream.. we hope someone will understand and do it...
thanks a lot
I love a-ha and my love for a-ha will not end until my death
Virginie |
#264 the last concert21.09.2010 13:25it's really important for all people who can not come to continue the dream for the last time with the audience and the group. Thank you for them |
sean kiefer Vieras |
#265 dvd hopefully21.09.2010 19:48the "final highnote" must be a DVD |
Juli Rivarola Vieras |
#266 PLEASE21.09.2010 22:47Pleaase, the concert MUST be transmited online, think about all the fans all over the wooorld! ♥ LOVE YOU A-HA LOVE FROM ARGENTINA ♥ |
Fabrice GILLES Vieras |
#267 A-HA the legend begin. Yes to live stream on internet to finish "on a high note"21.09.2010 22:49Im a fan of the band since their begining , 1985. For me A-HA is more than a famous pop musical group, it is a style of life, a way of thinking, a way to see and to consider the world, this Earth. A-HA brougt me so much in my simple life (joy , hope, happiness etc...). I say to them THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALL THESE 25 YEARS SHARED with us. Now the legend begins for you guys, in spite of your "Last hurrah " on the 'the of december 2010 in Oslo. So Guy please to finish "ON A HIGH NOTE " for the last time, thank you to enable a live stream on internet of your final concert in Oslo. We love you. Fan from Guadeloupe , a french west indies isleand. |
gesilda batista Vieras |
#268 Brazil loves you A-ha! Never stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21.09.2010 23:17Please don't leave us. We'll be with you forever. You are the BEST! |
orietta contreras Vieras |
#26922.09.2010 02:50por favor que no se separen, escuchen a sus fans |
Zora Rajsic Vieras |
#270 A_HA LIVE23.09.2010 14:32It has to be shown live :) So many fans that wernt able to get a ticket. I know I HAVE to watch it live - so please, try and get that organised!!! :) |
Sussy Vieras |
#271 Re: Saludos desde Chile ... al final del camino ...23.09.2010 17:12#15: SUSAN JIMENEZ - Saludos desde Chile ... al final del camino ... my amiga Chilena tiene buen gusto! |
Kirjoittaja on poistanut viestinsä (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
23.09.2010 17:17- Poiston ajankohta: 23.09.2010
- Poistamisen syy:
Cristina S Vieras |
#27323.09.2010 17:18will be orphaned please |
luis farias Vieras |
#27423.09.2010 19:49a-ha in santiago |
Vieras |
#275 aha en santiago23.09.2010 19:55espero ver la transmision del concierto ya que hace como 25 años los seguimos |
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