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#2424 Kadima head Shaul Mofaz says he will give the PA 100% of its territorial demands14.04.2012 03:16Mofaz: Give the Palestinians 100% of Yesha Kadima head Shaul Mofaz says he will give the PA 100% of its territorial demands if he is elected Prime Minister. By Gabe Kahn First Publish: 4/7/2012, 11:08 PM Shaul Mofaz Flash 90 Opposition leader Shaul Mofaz (Kadima) told the The New York Times that he would "respond to 100% of the territorial demands of the Palestinians" if elected Prime Minister. “I intend to replace Netanyahu,” Mr. Mofaz, 63, said. “I will not join his government.” Mofaz said that he believed Israel should keep the main settlement blocs, but that he would give the Palestinian Authority as much land from sovereign Israeli ground as he kept from Judea and Samaria. He added that he believes it is possible to reach an agreement on the borders and security within one year. When asked about Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria living in communities he would cede to the Palestinian Authority, Mofaz said, "If they're given the right incentives they will leave their homes. Those who do not, we would have to evacuate [them]." MK Uri Ariel (National Union) responded by saying "He proposes Palestinians be given 100% of the land with a swap, and those Jews who do not leave voluntarily evacuated by force." "This is a wildly radical program that undermines our security and will lead the State of Israel into one hundred years of conflict rather than one hundred years of peace," Ariel countered. "Mofaz should find another way of trying to achieve popularity for his [declining] party without undermining Israel's security." Yesha Council Chairman Danny Dayan said, "A man who will give the Palestinians 100% of what they demand in a territorial power play and evict tens of thousands of Israelis is unfit to be prime minister of Israel." "But do not worry," Dayan said. "Kadima will not be chosen to lead the nation again." Kadima is currently Israel's largest party with 28 Knesset mandates. However, recent polls indicate Kadima would only win 12-15 seats if elections were held today. It may be an effort to gain Kadima voters from other left of center parties that is causing Mofaz to voice extremist views, sources have said. He has also made anti hareidi remarks., Even with 28 mandates, Mofaz's predecessor Tzipi Livni was unable to call upon sufficient coalition partners to form a government - a task that was given to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's Likud party. Likud, which has 27 Knesset mandates at present, is currently polling at 32 seats. Other rightist parties are also polling beyond their present numbers. |
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#2425 Re: Kadima head Shaul Mofaz says he will give the PA 100% of its territorial demands2012-04-14 03:19:57#2424: - Kadima head Shaul Mofaz says he will give the PA 100% of its territorial demands
Adressin tekijä on poistanut tämän viestin (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
2012-04-14 03:20:29- Poiston ajankohta: 16.04.2012
- Poistamisen syy:
Adressin tekijä on poistanut tämän viestin (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
2012-04-14 03:24:03- Poiston ajankohta: 16.04.2012
- Poistamisen syy:
Vaadimme muutosta Suomen Israel-politiikkaan YK:ssa
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Pelastetaan Kuohun päiväkotikoulu - ja kylä!
Henkilökohtainen anteeksipyyntö Israelilta ja Jumalalta
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