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#31427 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Älä itse valehtele!

13.03.2014 18:05

#31424: - Re: Re: Re: Re: Älä itse valehtele!

Miriam Grossman, and her bizarre take on sex education were the reason I was shaking with rage as I walked into work this morning. I was listening to the car radio and a woman was being interviewed about NZ sex education. Firstly, she had an American accent and kept referencing US websites that our Family planning isn’t affiliated with.
If you are going to take interviews in another country, at least do some damn research lady.
Secondly, every second “fact” that came out of her mouth, wasn’t.
For example “it is proven that Oral sex is linked to mouth cancer”
Uh no it’s not…
Saying that oral sex causes oral cancer is like saying that typing causes stomach ulcers.
Typing on a contaminated computer causes the transmission of the germs that in turn could cause stomach ulcers. There are other ways to cause stomach bug transmission, and the bacteria vector is not to blame. The bacteria, and following body dysfunction itself is.
Kissing babies doesn’t cause cancer – the politicos can breathe easy.
So who was this idiot and why was she being interviewed?

Within a few minutes I had found out that Family first had invited a certain Dr. Miriam Grossman to speak at their “Forum on the family”.

Ooohhhh I thought, that makes sense.
But hold on a minute… what kind of stupid doctor would be pushing such misinformation?
She is a clinical psychiatrist, promoting her new book about sex ed and youth sexuality called “you’re teaching my child what?” A quick zip through on amazon showed me that several of her research assistants are pathologically right wing, and NOT MEDICALLY TRAINED.
One is a journalist: Ashley Herzog.
Her qualifications in medicine? None.
Her qualifications in politics and gender? A charming little piece about “Wenergate” blaming the women who were harassed, for gagging for it.
Not much more I want to say on her.



#31429 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Älä itse valehtele!

2014-03-13 18:09:40

#31427: - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Älä itse valehtele!

Siis jälleen yksi pelle todistamassa täyttä soopaa ja valehtelemassa silmät ja korvat täyteen. Oiva valinta tasa-arvoisen avioliittolain vastustamiseen - näkee taas, miten typerillä perusteilla sellaista täällä masinoidaan!


#31461 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Älä itse valehtele!

2014-03-13 21:16:03

#31427: - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Älä itse valehtele!


Ritiseeraan vähän tätä "urhoa."  Tottakai tämä juuri tuon kritisoidun,  vastuuttoman ,  valtion verovaroilla rahoitetun firman  "Family Recearsh"   ihminen pistää halveksuntansa potenssin 100.  
Tuleehan tuo muija p-erskeles meidän touhujemme tontille mukavuuksiamme arvostelemaan.  Ostettuja sieluja, joilla maksatetaan ihmisen hinta.
Ei ole Miriamin keksintö suuseksin aiheuttama syöpä.  
Tälläinen elämänkatsanto on jotain,  missä minkäänlainen ihmiseksi kasvamista ei ole tapahtunut. 
Eikä hänen kritiikillään ole minkäänlaista arvoa.