Antiikin kulttuurin ja klassillisen arkeologian opetuksen on jatkuttava Helsingissä!
Allekirjoitukset, joissa on kommentti mukana
A real European can not live without the ancient culture, which suppose Classical Languagies and Culture.(Bucuresti, 12.05.2018)
I'm signing because I think we (the research community, UH, and Finland) need the diversity in teaching and research that the lectureship in Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture stands for. Closing down disciplines that are vital for many humanities research communities as well as for international researchers, is a path the UH should not choose.(Helsinki, 12.05.2018)
I strongly support the arguments.(Coimbra, 12.05.2018)
I am a student of Greek and Latin linguistics and literature. In my opinion, cancelling the teaching of Classical Archaeology and Ancient culture, is actually demolishing the foundations of our contemporary world.(Lichtervelde, 12.05.2018)
It is inconceivable that anyone would want to destroy this outstanding element in Finnish intellectual culture.(Papworth Everard, 12.05.2018)
Klassisen antiikin perintö on läsnä arjessamme kaikkialla ja se on koko länsimaisen kulttuurin perusta. Klassillisen arkeologian lehtoraatin lakkauttaminen on häpeäksi koko sivistysvaltion käsitteelle.(Helsinki, 12.05.2018)
What the University is trying to do is barbarian... yes the proper word is barbarian.(Madrid, 12.05.2018)
This is a regrettable and very short-sighted decision. Finnish expertise in the field of Classical archaeology and the study of ancient culture is renowned. Finland should be building on these strengths, not curtailing them.(London, 12.05.2018)
I fear that losing classical archaeogy may lead to the further erosion of other humanities and language courses. All of these, including classsical archaeology, are important for understanding human history and promoting the importance of culture and people. Please don't eliminate this program.(Lindsay, 12.05.2018)
The University of Helsinki's humanities reputation is at risk with these cuts. You can see how Ancient Near Eastern studies at UH won an 8 million euro grant this year; Classical Archaeology has the same potential if an enthusiastic scholar is hired.(Spartanburg, 12.05.2018)
Classical archaeology and ancient culture is a vitally important field of study. It's shocking that this even needs to be said, but apparently it does.(Ann Arbor, Michigan, 12.05.2018)
Museernas samlingar behöver lokala forskare som behärskar de inhemska språken.(Helsingfors, 12.05.2018)
I strongly support research and teaching of classical archaeology and culture, and want Finland to continue to hold a high place in the study of ancient societies.(Decatur, 12.05.2018)
An understanding of archaeology is a vital underpinning to the study of the history whether ancient of modern and is in itself an important part of modern day forensics.(Cleobury Mortimer, 12.05.2018)
The study of the ancient world must be supported wherever it is threatened. Solidarity is necessary to fortify our field against those who see the cost of everything and the value of nothing.(Oxford, 12.05.2018)
Understanding the materiel culture and early history of the Human Race isn't a luxury. A knowledge of our past enables us to understand our present and have a notion of what the future might bring. Today, there are ideologies which seek to divide us. Today, the Archaeologists primary purpose is to show that ALL men are brothers, and to demonstrate these facts to those who would claim otherwise.(San Antonio, Texas, 12.05.2018)
I had the honor of presenting a paper at the Conference of Neoplatonic Scholars at the University of Helsinki 10 years ago. It was exciting to to see that the humanities were still alive in Helsinki, the city of my birth. Here in the USA humanities are being cut. As a former student if ancient history, I believe the study of archaeology, classics and history to be crucial to our understanding and appreciation of where we are today. A university is not a poly-tech and if the humanities are to survive it depends on universities offering studies in these areas. It seems that the anti-intellectual movement is taking over the world. This must be stopped and universities must continue to teach humanities.(Camden, Maine, 12.05.2018)
I’m signing because Finland must preserve its expertise in Classical Archaeology. Knowledge about our past is vital for planning our future.(Bonn, 12.05.2018)
Muinoin päätin tulla suorittamaan maisteriopintoni Helsingissä juuri siksi, että se on ainoa paikka Suomessa, jossa on tarjolla kontaktiopetusta antiikin materiaalisessa kulttuurissa - erittäin tärkeää myös historioitsijalle. Opetuksen on jatkuttava!(Helsinki, 12.05.2018)
It would be scandalous to amputate such a proud tradition of "Classics" (in the old, broad sense) and of the world renowned institutes in Rome and Athens. And it will drive a promising generation of young scholars (of which we had one representative here at Cornell several years ago). out of the country.(Ithaca, 12.05.2018)
I believe in the value of classical studies(Gent, 12.05.2018)
I'm signing because it is unimaginable that Finland can function academically without a representative in such an important branch of the study of the ancient world.(Stellenbosch, 12.05.2018)
Todella surullista kuulla että Suomessa sivistys köyhtyy jatkuvasti. Alamäki valitettavasti jatkuu...(Helsinki, 12.05.2018)
I think humanities/archaeology/our past are vital aspects to understanding human nature and in this day and age where so much is centered around technology it is more important than ever to stay in touch with our humanity.(Athens, 12.05.2018)
The strong Finnish scholarly tradition of research in ancient Mediterranean civilization which still directly impacts modern European culture urgently needs an academic position which focuses on material culture.(Toronto, 12.05.2018)
A threat to Classics anywhere is a threat to Classics everywhere!(Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 12.05.2018)
Finland has produced quality research (i.e. researchers) in the area and should continue to do so. Teaching of this subject has great value and shouldn't be run down.(Turku, 12.05.2018)