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/ #3234 Epätasa-arvoista erottelua Jerusalemissa: naiset eri jalkakäytäville

19.10.2012 12:20

Segregation sign still up in Jerusalem

Despite High Court ruling, large sign pointing to women-only sidewalk has yet to be removed from haredi neighborhood of Mea Shearim
Tzipi Malkov
Published: 10.12.12, 14:36 / Israel Jewish Scene

A sign pointing to a women-only sidewalk still exists on the corner of Jerusalem's Haneviim and Mea Shearim streets, despite a recent victory in the legal battle against gender segregation on the capital's streets.

The sign was placed in the ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Mea Shearim about a year ago, when residents decided that one sidewalk along the street would be restricted for men and the other for women, according to a demand made by the Committee for Purity in the Camp (also known as the "chastity squad").

The segregation was also implemented on side streets, using private security guards and signs placed on the neighborhood streets.

After a long legal battle, which included a petition filed by Jerusalem Council Member Rachel Azaria, the High Court of Justice ruled that there would be no segregation this year. The sign, however, still stands.

Council Member Shlomo Rosenstein, who holds the municipal inspection portfolio and is in charge of removing illegal signs, said in response: "It is simply a sign that someone forgot to remove. In practice, there is no segregation whatsoever."





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