Suomen HALLITUKSEN pyydettävä anteeksi Israelilta!
Vieras |
/ #2240 Jews and Arabs Come Together in Messiah30.03.2012 04:26
Isaiah chapter 19 speaks of a futureday when Israel and its Arab neighborswill live in peace and harmony and worship the Lord together. It may be hard to believe in the midst of the current conflict, but it is already springing forth. During the biblical holiday of Shavuot,or Pentecost, Israeli Arab Christians participated for the fourth time in the Global Day of Prayer. But this time was different, as Messianic Jewish leaders were invited to join in. The gathering took place under the banner of the local House of Prayer & Exploits(HOPE) in Nazareth, where an estimated 750 Jewish and Arab believers came together to worship and repent. “It was great atmosphere of love and humility,” HOPE director Rania Sayeghtold say. The Body of Messiah in Israel is fractured along many religious and politicallines. But Sayegh says it’s time to move beyond these differences toward unity. "Corporate unity is not that everyone gathers around the same idea, but rather it’s corporate humility,” she said. “That’s what we believe God is doing to unite the body in this land, Arabs and Jews, as one new man in our Messiah.” Arab pastors Ehab Ashkar and Edward Tannous and Messianic leaders Avi Mizrachi and Asher Intrater spoke on corporate and personal repentance for the sins of both the Arab and Jewish communities in Israel. The leaders concluded by asking forgiveness and washing one another’s feet in a display of humility and service. Many Arab and Jewish youth also attended,with Sayegh and Intrater praying over them for a release of God’s passion and courage to take His word to their generation.“This is a genuine work of the Holy Spirit that began in this event and we see this as a turning point for further events that will take place in the future,” saidSayegh. “God is bringing healing to unite the hearts of Arab and Jewish leaders for increased partnership for His kingdom purposes in His precious land.”
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