Suomen HALLITUKSEN pyydettävä anteeksi Israelilta!


/ #1825 Michael Utterback Suomessa 29.3.-4.4.2012 / Ministry to Israel:in johtaja

25.02.2012 14:03


To 29.3. Tampere klo 18.00 Vapaakirkko, Puutarhakatu 17
Pe 30.3. Jyväskylä klo 18.00 Huhtasuon kirkko, Nevakatu 6
La 31.3. Kuopio klo 16.00 Vapaakirkko, Kemilänrinne 3
Su 1.4. Nilsiä klo 11.00 Helluntaiseurakunta, Nilsiäntie 62
Su 1.4. Joensuu klo 18.00 Helluntaiseurakunta, Niinivaarantie 26
Ma 2.4. Savonlinna klo 18.30 Helluntaiseurakunta, Tottinkatu 4
Ti 3.4. Lappeenranta klo 19.00 Helluntaiseurakunta, Armilankatu 31
Ke 4.4. Kouvola klo 18.30 Helluntaiseurakunta, Kalevankatu 20

Tilaisuuksissa mukana Juha Ketola.



One of the hardest concepts for any believer to understand, especially when being honest about personal failures and shortcomings, is that a holy God, knowing who we really are, could love us. Most believers know the price that Messiah Jesus paid when He came to this earth to die as a sacrificial lamb for the sins of the world. The agony, suffering, heartache and rejection He endured in order to bring us to a right relationship with God is unimaginable. Even John the apostle who actually walked and lived with Jesus was amazed at God’s care for us. Later in his life, when musing about God’s love for us wrote “See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God.”
Recently I read something that humbled me even more when trying to grasp God’s love. It was the ‘Aaronic blessing,’ written in the original, ancient Hebrew.

The English translation reads:  "Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, ‘Thus you shall bless the sons of Israel. You shall say to them: ‘The LORD bless you, and keep you; The LORD make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.’ "  Numbers 6:22-26


However, the exact rendering of the ancient Hebrew is more descriptive.  The Hebrew word for “bless” is “barak” which means, “to kneel”.  A berakah is a “blessing” but more literally, the bringing of a gift to another on a bended “knee”.
The Hebrew word for “keep” is “shamar” which literally means, “to guard”.  A related word is “shamiyr” which means “thorn”.   When the shepherd was out in the wilderness with his flock, he would construct a corral of thorn bushes to protect the sheep from predators, a guarding over of the sheep.
When we bless God, or each other or when we bless Israel, we are literally coming on bended knee with a gift! Amazing!  But what is more amazing is the picture of God blessings us.  
The ancient Hebrew reading of the Aaronic blessing says: "Yahweh will kneel before you presenting gifts and will guard you with a hedge of protection, Yahweh will illuminate the wholeness of his being toward you bringing order and he will beautify you, Yahweh will lift up his wholeness of being and look upon you and he will set in place all you need to be whole and complete." Numbers 6:22-26

Imagine, if you can, that God commanded Aaron to tell His followers (Jew and Gentle alike), “God will kneel before you and will give you gifts on bended knee!”
This great God who kneels before us has commanded us to do the same by blessing the nation of Israel.  Question:  How are you doing?

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