Oulun kansainvälistä koulua ei saa heikentää ja halvaannuttaa


/ #11 Business needs

18.11.2014 20:38


I am a parent of two kids who went through all 12 years of the English speaking schools in Oulu. There are many good reasons for the school to stay, but today I like to stress this one: business.

I am about to join a recent start-up here in Oulu scheduled to employ 10 people a year from now and approx. 50 in five years (hopefully). This is a hardware business, making and selling products, with all the good macro-economic consequences that come from creating R&D and manufacturing jobs. All the skills we need are in Oulu except one. Hiring this one critical person, who will hopefully be able to accelerate growth even more, will be harder if there are no English speaking classes covering the whole 12 years. To the city: please consider also this aspect. Given the amount of start-up activity in the city, I cannot believe we are the only such case.

Keyword “GS”