
/ #871 Open Doors / vainotut arabikristityt palestiinalaisalueilla

05.09.2011 23:52

Palestinian Territories

(sensuuri kieltää käyttämästä engl. sanaa "vainotut", siksi se on väärin kirjoitettu, jotta viesti menisi sensuurista läpi)

Veli Andreas (Jumalan salakuljettaja), joka perusti Open Doors-järjestön, on itse palvellut Palestiinalaisalueiden arabikristittyjä (kirja:  Veljiä vahvistamassa), jotta Jumalan Valtakunta alueella vahvistuisi. Hän on sanonut, että paras tapa siunata Israelia on rukoilla arabit uskoon.

Open Doors works in the most oppressive countries, strengthening bersecuted Christians to stand strong and equipping them to shine Christ's light in these dark places.

In the West Bank and Gaza, Sharia (Islamic law) is the main source of legislation. In the Gaza strip, pressure from the Hamas government continues to force Christians to leave. On the West Bank, although there is no official bersecution, Christians face some discrimination. Some church leaders faced threats in 2010 for having contact with and sharing the gospel with Muslims. Palestinian-Israeli peace talks made little if any progress in the last year, and many Christians want to leave the Palestinian territories because of the hopeless situation.


• That Christians seeking to reach out to Muslims will be protected from threats
• That the Arab Christian community stays deeply rooted in society and that the church will grow
• That young Christians studying at the Bethlehem Bible society will settle in the Palestinian areas rather than emigrating.


Palestinian Territories
*Information obtained from the 2011 World Watch List

Leader: President Mahmoud Abbas (siis palestiinalaisalueiden presidentti, EI "Palestiinan presidentti")
Population: 4.3 million
Christian: 400,000      muista heitä rukouksin, jotta Jumalan valtakunta Palestiinassa kasvaisi!
Main Religion: Islam
Government: Interim Administration
WWL44 Previous ranking46 (sija vainotuimpien kristittyjen listalla nyt ja viime vuonna)
Bersecuted christians: Desire Prayer
OD Projects: Muslim World Ministry p ersecution/country-profiles/palestinian-territories/