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/ #35432

27.05.2014 23:15


Johtaja: President Yoweri Museveni
Väestö: 35.6 million (30 million Christians)
Pääuskonto Christianity
Government: Republic
World Watch List Rank: 47
Vainon muoto: Islamistinen extremismi

Although Uganda has an 85 per cent Christian majority, Muslims are spread over the whole country. They live in pockets of the country, and in these areas extremists present a serious threat to the church.
Local authorities add pressure by not assisting Christians properly, barring them from public office or denying them promotion.


Capital: Abuja
World Watch List Rank: 14
Vainon aste: Vakava
Population: 175 million (89 million Christians)
Main Religion: Islam/Christianity
Government: Federal republic