EI Tom of Finland -postimerkkiä Suomeen!


/ #1343 Vanhurskaus kansan korottaa, mutta synti on kansakuntien häpeä!

08.05.2014 19:25

Homosexual Lifespan

The illusion that the homosexual lifestyle is a normal way of living has been successfully propagated by promoting a "victim" image for homosexual persons, and by the pseudo-science alleging a ‘gay" gene.

Of the reports alleging, or promising soon down the road, a "gay" gene, not a single one has survived scientific peer review. There is no "gay" gene.

On the other hand, the evidence does show that homosexual persons are indeed victims -- but overwhelmingly of their own behavior, not that of others.

Typical homosexual behavior includes regular contact with fecal matter from oneself and from sexual partners, tragically reversing several centuries of learning about cleanliness, and thus several centuries of growing lifespan. Homosexual behavior makes no more sense than playing in the toilet.

All available evidence indicates that the lifespan of practicing homosexual persons is drastically shortened by their behavior. No reliable study indicates otherwise. The lifespan topic is taboo among homosexual advocates because the evidence is so damaging to their case.

The following information has been adapted from website: http://web.archive.org/web/20010124040800/www.cprmd.org/Myth_Fact_004.htm References are cited in chronological order. This information represents a fair summary of the available evidence concerning homosexual lifespan. It indicates that on average, even apart from AIDS, homosexual persons will probably not live past their 40’s, an appalling loss of about 30 years, or nearly 40% of normal American lifespan.

The evidence shows homosexuality to be a compulsive and lethal addiction, not "mainstream America".

linkki, http://web.archive.org/web/20010124040800/www.cprmd.org/Myth_Fact_004.htm

E. Fox

Eli varsin monien homoseksuaalien elämänkaari jää lyhyeksi tämän tutkimuksen mukaan.