Avioliitto on naisen ja miehen välinen julkinen liitto


/ #33682

10.04.2014 21:52

On Dec. 17, 2008, Newton North High School, in Newton, MA held a school-wide "Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Awareness Day", which included an entire day of homosexual-related presentations, workshops, and activities. It was paid for with your tax dollars -- just one of the things that the $850,000 given to the infamous Massachusetts Commission on Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth pays for.

Eivät kyllä kuulu lasten maailmaan tällaiset homo, lesbo-, bi-.seks.ja transseks.  tietoisuus-päivät.  

Transsukupuolisuus ja ristiinpukeutuminen olivat tärkeimmät teemat, joita teineille puukattiin koulutapahtumissa vuonna 2008. Myös muuta raskasta probagandaa ja lasten rekrytoinia homojärjestöihin ja ryhmien jäseniksi ja tulla osaksi homoliikettä!
Näitä hmämmentyneitä nuoria havitellaan liittokumppaneiksi ja madalletaan tietä homoseksuaaliseen elämänmuotoon:

Transgender youth". You have to see this to believe it. This is where that movement is taking your kids.

Coming Out. A constant message to kids is to encourage them to "come out" as a homosexual. They especially suggest this to kids who are confused.

Dictionary of terms. This is how the radical homosexual movement wants your kids to think.

Be an Ally: Get involved with the "gay" movement. "Ally" is their term for bringing kids into the homosexual movement. It's a frighteningly Orwellian; much of it is communist organizing methods. They really want to change your kids' way of looking at the world.

Homosexual / bisexual / transgender groups for kids. Very dangerous, take our word for it. And alll of these groups get at least some taxpayer support. BAGLY and PFLAG are members of the taxpayer-funded Mass. Commission on GLBT Youth.

More propaganda. They love to entice kids with lists of famous people whom they claim are homosexual. (Interestingly, for a long time they were listing Eleanor Roosevelt as a lesbian, until they were forced to admit there was absolutely no proof of that.)