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/ #18156 Re: Sin brazos ,sin piernas....

30.07.2013 21:40

#18139: Virgo92 - Sin brazos ,sin piernas....

On tämä aikamoinen katsoa kuvien kanssa,  huh senttään!

Tässä yhteydessä sana:  "kenellekkään ei anneta suurempaa kuormaa,  kuin mitä jaksaa kantaa,  tuntuu kylläkin ... ei tähän  pysty sanomaan yhtään mitään!   Parempi ehkä ollakkin hiljaa:"

Nick Vujicic: A Motivational Speaker      Evankelista ILMAN JALKOJA JA KÄSIÄ !

Submitted by Keenah on May 21st, 2013 

I was in the middle of watching television when I saw Nick Vujicic in the news today. So I asked myself, why not bubble it here?

Nick Vujicic is an evangelist and a motivational speaker as well. Everyone or should I say, almost everyone know how great his story is. He was born with no arms and no legs but in spite of it, he still loves living. There were times when he became so depressed and decided to end his life by drowning his self in a bathtub. But later on, he realized that he doesn't want to leave his loved ones with a burden and guilt. At the age of 15, he started to seal his faith in God and there goes his amazing journey.

With his amazing and unique story, a lot of people were inspired and have begun to live life with hope embracing the positive attitude. I know that because I myself was moved by him as well. Lately, I was too depressed that I didn't even bother thinking how beautiful life is and how blessed I am. I even think living is useless. But when I saw him again in the television, the hope I have inside me started to rise up again. I realized that even though I have a tragic story in life, I shouldn't just give up. Mine's problem was like a penny of what he has. Knowing that he can do it, I must have faith that I can too!


That was the line that I always want to remind myself with. You should too!
Embrace life because God won't give you a burden you cannot carry.

Nick Vujicic once said, "God won't allow anything happen in your life if it's not good for you."