Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17.
Vieras |
#2607.11.2011 00:33Think its a discrace as a puppy walker for guide dogs I support Jane and her daughter 100% and think the school should be ashamed |
Vieras |
#2707.11.2011 00:37This makes me so angry and upset! As someone with Usher Syndrome, and a possible future guide-dog owner this makes me sick to my stomach! |
Vieras |
#2807.11.2011 00:55This sort of discrinstion has got to stop immediately and taken seriously - Molly does not deserve for her life to ne reined before its started. I am acutely aware of the affects of this sort if discrimination myself as an adult guide dog owner!! |
Theatredadmk Vieras |
#29 Re:07.11.2011 00:59#1: - A truly outrageous story. This man needs to be taken to court and prosecuted. No youngster should be treated like this especially one as courageous and disabled as Molly. It is hard enough living in a world of darkness without having to face stupid ignorance
Kirjoittaja on poistanut viestinsä (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
07.11.2011 02:15- Poiston ajankohta: 07.11.2011
- Poistamisen syy:
Vieras |
#3107.11.2011 07:48Molly deserves better, nobody should have to go through this, especially the young. |
Vieras |
#3207.11.2011 10:20Think its disgusting |
Vieras |
#3307.11.2011 11:32Very worthwhile campaign for equal treatment |
Vieras |
#3407.11.2011 11:50Unbelievable behaviour from a specialist school for sensory loss! |
Vieras |
#3507.11.2011 13:13The school should be falling over backwards to come to a suitable arrangement for Molly and whoever has the allergy. Does the person who has the allergy avoid going on buses and in shops due to guide dogs and hearing dogs? I suspect not. |
Vieras |
#3607.11.2011 14:09It's utterly ridiculous that a lack of common sense is currently in place. Molly has every right to have her education in Mary Hare. Her dog has to be with her 24/7 because of her usher's. It is a blatant disability discrimination for not allowing her dog to be with her at whole times because of one person's allergy. Mary hare is supposed to pride themselves with their educational excellence but lack emotional care. Such a shame but all the credit to her GP for actually caring about Molly and bringing the issue to head, so well done. |
Vieras |
#3707.11.2011 16:05Appalled. Molly could use Petal Cleanse which stops allergens going from the dog to people who are very allergic. The dog ensures Molly's safety at school - so what if she has an accident without Molly???? School will be fully liable because they did not accept the one thing that ensures Molly is safe. They are also liable for Molly's mental health and well-being. It is again another example of a deaf person being bullied and having to carry the blame for other people's mistakes. Molly - Royal Association of Deaf People have solicitors who can help you take this further under the Equalities Act. GOOD LUCK. As a Hearing Dog owner myself, I know what this is like. But I work as a teacher and have never, ever had this issue in the classroom - everyone has always accepted my dog. |
Vieras |
#3807.11.2011 16:16It's discrimination pure and Simple hope the papers get hold of the story they would make a meal of the school!!! Take care Molly and family xx |
Vieras |
#3907.11.2011 16:41Hope this helps Molly to Justice. Sending you lots of goodwill that this gets resolved quickly. |
Steve L |
#4007.11.2011 18:29With you, Molly!! |
Vieras |
Vieras |
#4207.11.2011 19:57Please support "Support4Molly" - sign and share please |
Anon |
#4307.11.2011 20:38It appears that the pastoral care at Mary hare doesn't seem to have changed for the last 15 - 20 years when bullying was rife. Nothing was done. I left. |
Vieras |
#4407.11.2011 21:03A small announcement needs to be made by the revelant organisations in response to the statement issued by Mary Hare School. It is clear that at MHS, allergies comes first before disability - and this is a rather profound mistake made by the school. It is also clear that risk assessments have not been thought out properly - the likeliness of Molly injuring herself without a guide dog or the said pupil with the allergy actually heading into shock. From this, the school has taken one side and assumed that nothing more needs to be done for the other side. |
Vieras |
#4507.11.2011 21:06This is terrible in this day and age! a guide dog is invaluable to a persons well being and life...you wouldnt ask a deaf person to take their hearing aids out or someone who needed glasses to remove them!! taking your dog away is like doing both of these!!! Keep standing strong Molly you are an inspiration! (i am a teacher of the deaf and msi!!!) |
Vieras |
#4607.11.2011 21:16Everyone deserves an education. |
Vieras |
#47 Mary Hare School07.11.2011 21:52Mary Hare has issued a statement giving the School's perspective,which can be read on their website: www.maryhare.org.uk |
Vieras |
#4808.11.2011 00:01A poor statement made by Mary Hare School - which bit do they do not understand? Whether its 5 minutes, 1 hour 15 minutes or 5 hours, a guide dog is an essential need for a blind person never mind deafblind! A duty of care does not mean creating agreements to suit the said pupil who appears to be a male in this case and not the deafblind person. More so - I question the integrity of Guide Dogs for the Blind Association and their policies. Are they saying that deafblind dog owners are not required to use their guide dogs and instead further promote them to be locked in offices instead? They too have just lost out on support. |
Vieras |
#49 Re: Mary Hare School08.11.2011 00:46the statement has been changed at least twice. Does it really justify a guidedog owner being isolated at all. It would be good if the facts were right too - lunch time is an hour a day 5x a week and assembly is never 15 minutes!!! There are so many holes in the explanation !!! |
Vieras |
#5008.11.2011 10:15No child should be denied the right of education even those who have a disability.I siged this petition for MOLLY WATT and hopefully the education system will see the error of their ways and give her the education she so truely deserves. |
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