Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17.
Vieras |
#106.11.2011 20:40Lead the way Molly, hold your head high :) |
Vieras |
#206.11.2011 20:53This school should be ashamed of itself |
Vieras |
#306.11.2011 20:55Please help and take 5 minutes and sign this petition if we don't make a stand and say no to discrimination now, they will only allow this discrimination to carry on. |
Vieras |
#406.11.2011 21:16This young lady and her darling Guide Dog Unis who has given Molly a new lease of life ,have been having such a bad time at this school. I have four children and I would like to think I would be as strong as Jane to fight for my childs right if there is any sort of injustice!!!! |
Vieras |
#506.11.2011 21:24Disgusted at this schools actions and no proof of the allergy! Molly I do not know you personally but through other things I have read and heard you are a strong girl, and as someone else said hold your head high, you deserve so much more than the small minded individuals in that school xx |
Vieras |
#606.11.2011 21:32Molly I hope this helps. Sarah told me all about this. Hope you get the result you are hoping for. x |
Vieras |
#706.11.2011 21:38As former Head Boy - I'm disgusted to be associated to this school at this moment in time. |
Vieras |
#806.11.2011 21:51i just hope that something gets done soon, love Harley Guide Dog and Bill human slave, Ayrshire scotland, |
Vieras |
#906.11.2011 22:01This is an outrage. This school needs to face up to it's responsibilities to ALL his students. If one of the students has an allergy then the students should have to prove it or shut up. |
Vieras |
#1006.11.2011 22:12Justice for MOLLY. |
Vieras |
#1106.11.2011 22:26Please everyone show your support and get justice for Molly so she can lead a full life with her Guide Dog |
Vieras |
#1206.11.2011 22:28Good luck, support you all the way |
Vieras |
#1306.11.2011 22:43this school should be ashamed of themselves, they don't know what deafblind is like, Molly MUST have her guide dog to guide her. And they shouldn't ban the guide dogs from school. Guide dogs are WORKING dogs NOT pet!!! |
Vieras |
#1406.11.2011 22:50it is a disgrace to treat anyone in this way let alone a child who has lost her confidence and independence that she was just gaining because of her guide dog. |
Vieras |
#1506.11.2011 22:55please sign this petition, my own son is deaf blind and life is hard enough for this young woman without discrimination being added to it. |
Vieras |
#1606.11.2011 23:10This is not the school that I used to know, and I am very sorry to hear that this is how Mary Hare has ended up! I am afraid that Mary Hare has lost its grass roots and is starting to get too big for it's boots. The core objectives for any child especially at boarding school is to make it an enjoyable one not a nightmare by the staff. |
Vieras |
#1706.11.2011 23:12Their appears to have been no advice sought from medical advisors, no risk assessments, no advice from the consultant of the child with allergies, no risk assessment. The governing body needs to take action, preferably suspending the senior management team at the school pending investigations into this gross misconduct. |
Vieras |
#1806.11.2011 23:15Disgusting! If there is no proof of this 'allergy' then there is no need for this at all! |
hazla |
#1906.11.2011 23:19It's utterly shocking, that a deafblind school would actually disallow guide dogs because of one pupil's supposed allergy without any proof! I thought mainstream schools were bad enough for their despicable actions but this is just wrong. if what I heard was true, about the allergy pupil having walked teacher's dogs and the likes; then they should be expelled for lying, cause it sounds like they're doing it out of spite for Molly than a genuine allergy. |
Vieras |
#2006.11.2011 23:28We are all behind you xx |
Vieras |
#2106.11.2011 23:46Please sign this... |
Vieras |
#2206.11.2011 23:52disgusting behaviour for a school ! |
Vieras |
#2307.11.2011 00:07If Molly has a statement of special needs, and this states that that she needss to have her dog with her at all times, the school must adhere to this, I hope you can find a resolution to this soon. Best of luck. x |
Vieras |
#2407.11.2011 00:09disgusting the way the school has treated Molly discrimination is definately not in the headteachers vocab |
Vieras |
#2507.11.2011 00:22This shocking discrimation of such an amazing beautiful young lady can not go unpunished |
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