Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo

Andrea HM

#51 Por la despedida

28.08.2010 05:13

Aunque muy a mi pesar sera la ultima presentacion de ellos y creo que seria un hermoso recuerdo para los que no podremos estar ahi, por diferentes motivos,pero que sin duda todos hubieramos deseado participar :(.

Los queremos mucho A-ha!!!

A-ha Forever!!!


#52 quisiera escuchar el ultimo concierto on-line (I would like to hear the last show on-line)

28.08.2010 05:53

Muchos y bellos momentos de mi adolescencia crecieron escuchando sus canciones, desde el confin del mundo un saludo para todos los seguidores de este gran grupo y espero que podamos escucharles en su despedida on-line...

many beautiful moments of my youth grew up listening to his songs, from the end of the world greetings to all followers of this great group and I hope we can hear them in his farewell on-line

juanpablo martinez


28.08.2010 06:59


Lara La


28.08.2010 10:45


romina chierici

#55 please,please

28.08.2010 15:48

j can' t go to a-ha concert but at least j would like watch on internet,the last!

Berkes Fruzsina

#56 Make it for all of us!

28.08.2010 17:07

It would more than great to see them alive from Oslo...

I wish I could be there somehow, but that seems impossible...


natasha hinchliffe

#57 DVD

28.08.2010 18:07

Please also release this concert or one of the concerts (Nottingham one which Im going to!) on DVD, please please please!


#58 A-ha Forever

28.08.2010 18:28

je ne pourrai certainement pas aller au concert du 3 déc pour lequel j'ai 2 places et je remercie d'avance les fans qui auront la gentillesse de filmer le concert (si c'est possible) .. l'ultime concert et de le diffuser sur le net ou de bien vouloir me l'envoyer.


merci pour cette pétition!


A-Ha je vous adore pour toujours!!!je n'ose imaginer ma vie sans vous je vous suis depuis votre première diffusion en France.

karina bonifacio

#59 i love a-ha

28.08.2010 19:09

please!!!!   i would like to pass  a-ha concert ... please!!!

Tatiana Lazzarini

#60 The last concert

28.08.2010 19:11

Record of last concert for fans of group becomes fine object for a collection. Such pleasure to look performance in high quality! Make it for us.

Jose Carlos Ruiz Avila

#61 viva a-ha !!!

29.08.2010 00:50

Pues eso, que se transmita el concierto, para todos los que no podremos estar con ellos, en el dia final :( ...


estefania mancilla

#62 a-ha

29.08.2010 02:03

Quiero verlos de nuevo los amo......sus fans chilenos los quieren de nuevo...

Mónica Liliana Bonavetti

#63 I want to see the recital of A - ha

29.08.2010 02:34

Hello I'm a-ha fans and I like to see the recital of A - ha


#64 I like to see the farewell concert of a-ha

29.08.2010 02:51

I like to see the farewell concert of a-ha are the world's best online pass the recital to participate along with Morten, Paul and Magne will always be in my heart I am your number one fans thanks

Lucila Perazzo


29.08.2010 03:43

I would like to see the final concert in Oslo, It's a chance to live deeply this important moment for all the fans who have no opportunity to go there...pleasee!!


#66 My most favorite singer group, A-ha

29.08.2010 06:02

I am really sad that A-ha will be broken away.

They were always my most favorite band that I can respect so much. I could not go to their live in Japan, I want to watch their last concert at least through internet.

I beg for this from bottom of my heart.


claudia piacentini


29.08.2010 11:11

I'll be in Oslo, but not all my friends will be with me......

Give them a chance to see the concert!!!!!!


#68 Yes,I want

29.08.2010 14:56

Thank you for this plan!!

I want to see and feel final concert with all of the a-ha's fan in the world!!

with much love, ERI


takashi takahashi

#69 是非!

29.08.2010 16:02


Luis Ardouin

#70 The right chance to say goodbye to fans world wide!☺

29.08.2010 17:08

I think it´d be the best way a-ha could say goodbye to all fans around the world; specially for all those who will not have the chance to stay in Oslo in Dec. 4th 2010.

Good luck ´n´ "A-HA FOR EVER"!!!!



#71 I really hope..

29.08.2010 17:41

Everybody want to see the last concert.However, there is a limit in the hall space.
I really hope that all the people can see the last concert at the same time, and have the same experiences in the world. So please...!!!!

romina chierici

#72 please please

29.08.2010 19:39

j would like to see  the last show to internet

Caramanna Loredana

#73 In my heart

29.08.2010 20:20

you made me grow in the darkness of my life but with the comfort of your music.

never be in the dark 

Much love  Magne, Paul, Morten

Alfredo Infante (Argentina)

#74 Pedido de Transmisión A-HA

29.08.2010 21:04

Es para nosotros, los Fans del trio A-HA, muy importante el poder ver en vivo su último y espectacular show de Despedida. Por esa razón es que le solicitamos, se pueda transmitir a todo el Planeta en directo y de esa manera poder difundir y compartir, el mensaje que desde siempre el grupo ha pregonado; "EL AMOR, LA ECOLOGÍA, LA PAZ y LA AMISTAD".     

Sin más les pedimos a todos los que se identifiquen con estos valores, que manifiesten su deseo y lo hagan posible mediante su adhesión.

Gracias por este espacio y por leer esta carta, que es producto de lo que A-HA inspira en sus seguidores. 


I love a-ha


29.08.2010 21:42

Ojala se pueda hacer o aun mejor, que reconsideren la ruptura! Aun asi los mejores deseos...