Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo .
Guest Vieras |
#151 Re:03.09.2010 21:46YES GO GO GO |
Anton X Vieras |
#15203.09.2010 22:07Plesae do it! |
Youri Tkachev Vieras |
#153 A-HA, i love you!03.09.2010 22:50I want A-HA right now, because i`m their biggest fan! |
Guest Vieras |
#154 Re: Why?04.09.2010 00:00You are to funny. |
Guest Vieras |
#155 Re: 25 years04.09.2010 00:01How are you doing? I have been so worried about you. |
blanca disanto Vieras |
#156 a-ha for ever......04.09.2010 00:22the best music in the world..... I LISTEN SINCE I WAS E TEENAGER...... I LOVE THEM...... |
katherine figueroa talcahuano |
#157 pena04.09.2010 11:39hola a todos, por favor que transmitan el concierto final de a-ha en oslo, no nos pueden dejar sin ver el concierto a sus fans, saludos desde chile!!! a-ha forever i love you |
Kirjoittaja on poistanut viestinsä (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
04.09.2010 19:30- Poiston ajankohta: 04.09.2010
- Poistamisen syy:
Irina Shabanova Vieras |
#159 A-ha forever!!!04.09.2010 19:32A-ha is the greatest love of my live! I'll be in Moscow on the 9th of November at their concert. Of course I'd like to be in Oslo as well, but I can't((( It would be fantastic to watch their last concert on the Internet. It's a brilliant idea! |
isabella piluscio Vieras |
#160 please the concert on web!!04.09.2010 22:37im italian fan of a-ha,,,they didnt come to italy to have the last concert in my country so i had to travel to another contry to see them on concert...once in london and once in Linz,last july... please at least to put on internet the last concert for all poor italian fans thaat are forgotten from a-ha.... its already hard to accept that they will get part at least let the fans to be part of their last concert in oslo!!! to see them the last time together..we deserve it..please please please!
panayiotis skomopoulos Vieras |
#16104.09.2010 23:26i want to hear it in any way!!!!a-ha they the best! |
Mychelle Silva Vieras |
#16205.09.2010 01:37I am very sad because I will have more chance to get close to the A-ha. |
Sain Alizada Vieras |
#16305.09.2010 03:40I will be attending the show myself, but I believe it will be great if the live stream is provided so that fans from all around the world could see it as well. |
sandra mejia Vieras |
#164 hola05.09.2010 08:49Please!!! pasen el concierto de A-ha en vivo por internet, ya que los que vivimos en otro contimente no podemos ir :( |
Deryabina Valeria Vieras |
#16505.09.2010 13:44please) |
Mari Nomura Vieras |
#166 Please please please...05.09.2010 16:58I eager to live stream! Please, please, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anastasia Soldatova Vieras |
#16705.09.2010 18:34Please, give us the possibility to enjoy your Last Hurrah! |
Strelkova Olga Vieras |
#168 A-ha - best!!!!!05.09.2010 20:07Huge popularity in Russia the foreign musical groups based in the eighties of 20 centuries possess. Group "A-ha" one of favourites among other (Dapeche Mode, Alphaville, Roxette, Modern Talking, Erasure etc.) the Unique voice of Mortena Harketa gets into heart and forces it to sob from delight. The magnificent music, tremendous songs! Admirers of this group test the big grief on the occasion of the termination of the activity "A-ha". It seemed that "A-ha" it will be eternal, but unfortunately all good too comes to an end. I, personally, went on their concert in Moscow in 2009, and this year too and absolutely certainly I will go. Last sight at live performance of idols... As the admirer of this remarkable group, I consider that translation of last concert of group "A-ha" will be a smart gift for admirers of this group and all judges of a good vocal and music. I vote "YES"!!!!! |
#169 STREAM ON INTERNET FINAL CONCERT IN OSLO06.09.2010 08:59the last services for the last concert |
Andy Fonseca Vieras |
#170 A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo ... pleaseeeee06.09.2010 15:54We need this for survive...
We love you a-ha!!!
Tanja Fleck Vieras |
#17106.09.2010 19:39A-HA is more than's Love, love, love and freedom:) Look on my blog, I write a novel for Morten... Big hugs for all A-HA-Fans |
Fabrice GILLES Vieras |
#17207.09.2010 03:18It will be a beautilfull chrismas gift , if A-HA and their management team will able to us to share in Live stream their farewell concert in Oslo on the 4th of december. I wish, i care of this great moment in our live : All A-HA fan since more 25 years old. SO let's pray that this wish be listened by the band and become a reality
marcos hans Vieras |
#173 please let us enjoy the last show07.09.2010 09:02i think that the space on stadium should not be enough to recive more people, then , why don't you let the people enjoy this time , even when they can't be there? |
Guest Vieras |
#174 Re: A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo ... pleaseeeee07.09.2010 13:01 |
Karina Eva Kyselycia Vieras |
#175 Thanks!08.09.2010 04:49I love A-ha with all my heart and I think that it is a good option for all the fans over the world! Thank you very much! |
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