Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo
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Tämä viestiketju on automaattisesti luotu adressista Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo .
Снисаренко Мария Vieras |
#12602.09.2010 14:08A-ha это музыка моей жизни:) |
Ruth Jerman-Collis Vieras |
#12702.09.2010 19:26great idea! |
pilar escobar Vieras |
#128 Long live A-HA02.09.2010 19:29I think A-HA is one of the most outstanding bands all over the world. At the same level as The Rolling Stones Please, Don't stop A-HA A big hug and congratulations |
Vieras |
#129 LONG LIVE A-HA02.09.2010 19:30A-HA THE BEST AMBASSADOR OF NORWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Barbara Giannì Vieras |
#130 worldwide request a-ha last concert02.09.2010 21:59
Per chi non avesse ancora avuto la possibilità,magari non possiamo vederlo in italia un concerto degli a-ha ,ma l'ultimo in streaming sì,quì c'è una petizione se volete firmate |
Sol Marino Vieras |
#13102.09.2010 23:24to the fans: please share this petition in every social network, forum, page or group you participate. Let's make this bigger! |
manuela guerra Vieras |
#132 Streeming Oslo concert02.09.2010 23:29I'm not be able to join in the concert at Oslo on 4th of December so I'd like to watch on tv. This is not my request but a family request. |
Victoria Metechko Vieras |
#133 Very soon we will lose our best friends...02.09.2010 23:58This is not only a historical moment, this is the last day when my favorite band will perform the songs I love so strongly that I even cannot find a right word to explain what I feel when I'm listening to them. I know it would be aching to watch it but I cannot let them go without saying goodbye to them on the day they're leaving... I should pay respect to them. I would be grateful if we, those who unfortunately won't go to the december concerts, will have a chance to wave goodbye to a-ha staying in our countries. We really love this band who have been our best friends for most of our lives. Please let us see and enjoy the last hours of a-ha life... Surely, we want to prolong this wonderful life, but we have no right to force Morten, Magne and Paul to stay. But I would be very grateful to see them together for the last time on the last day they work as a-ha... A-ha is more than just a band, it's more than their songs... A-ha is a part of my soul. |
Børge Stenersen Vieras |
#134 Live streaming....03.09.2010 of vital and great pleasure for all the ones that can't attend the Concert in Oslo! Regards, |
Andréa J. S. Vieras |
#13503.09.2010 02:02We love a-ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Cibby Romero Vieras |
#136 25 years03.09.2010 04:11Fly away - Fly away butterflies, time to set yourselfs free. 25 years of great music I have to take with me, so butterfly fly away free. |
Ekaterina Yurchenko Vieras |
#13703.09.2010 09:20a-ha forever |
Paul Paul Vieras |
#138 Show03.09.2010 11:34I would very much like to see this concert. |
Guest Vieras |
#139 Re:03.09.2010 12:39И моей! |
Tanya Zamislova Vieras |
#14003.09.2010 13:02Moscow LOVES a-ha! |
Guest Vieras |
#141 Re:03.09.2010 13:21ДА ДА ДА!!! |
Julya teacher Vieras |
#142 Live Stream On Internet03.09.2010 13:26Hope to see... will wait... |
Neelen Patten Vieras |
#143 Please broadcast live03.09.2010 13:42I am a die hard fan of a-ha from Mauritius...Would be so glad to see them live one last time....Please broadcast live on the internet |
GRANGE Beatrice Vieras |
#144 very import03.09.2010 13:53please plase the last show live online thx |
Guest Vieras |
#145 Re:03.09.2010 13:56Yes Yes Yes |
Nick Nick Vieras |
#146 A-Ha The Best03.09.2010 14:09Excellent group! |
J C-smith Vieras |
#147 Super!!03.09.2010 15:40Keeping my fingers crossed for a livestream as some of us have only had the privilege of seing them perform live once in our lives but their music lives on in our hearts forever. |
Aleksei koshelev Vieras |
#14803.09.2010 16:17Very much would like to look at a concert a-ha on line |
Rewan Rewan Vieras |
#14903.09.2010 19:24A-ha online!!!! Go! Go! Go! |
Kate Vieras |
#150 oui, s'il vous plait!03.09.2010 21:27I would LOVE to see this happen!
All other wonderful aspects aside, wouldn't it be spectacular for a band that basically launched the video generation and cornered the market on interesting use of art and technology, to finish off by doing the same... Giving the world a glimpse of the artistic genius that is a-ha via top current technological means.
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