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#3518 Valtiontarkastajan lausunto Netanyahun luxusmatkoista ja kaksoislaskutuksista annettu

01.01.2013 19:50

State Comptroller sends draft of 'Bibi Tours' report to Netanyahu
PM and some 30 ministers and deputy ministers received copies of draft report on their non-government financed travels abroad; examination was prompted by 'Bibi Tours' story aired by Channel 10.
By Ofra Edelman and Jonathan Lis | 22:28 27.12.12 |




Netanyahu, Israeli TV channel settle 'Bibi-Tours' libel case out of court

Suits stemmed from two Channel 10 reports claiming Netanyahu's overseas trips, when he was leader of the opposition, were financed by wealthy donors.

By Revital Hovel | 07:44 30.10.12 |


Comptroller sends 'Bibi-Tours' report draft to PM

12/27/2012 21:20

Netanyahu, 30 other ministers, deputy ministers to receive report draft over allegations of improper funding of international trips.


State Comptroller Joseph Shapira sent Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu the draft of his report on the “Bibi-Tours Affair,” Channel 2 reported on Thursday.

In March 2011, Channel 10 investigative reporter Raviv Drucker reported on his show Hamakor on a series of flights that Netanyahu took with his wife, Sara, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, flights allegedly paid for by wealthy associates.

The comptroller’s draft report was also sent to 30 other ministers and deputy ministers from three Israeli governments over similar allegations of improper funding of international trips.

According to Drucker’s report, Netanyahu allegedly used a carefully crafted network of wealthy associates to finance private flights, luxury hotel suites, first-class restaurants, and trips abroad for him and his family – benefits that the show characterized as ethical infractions.

In April 2011, Drucker made additional allegations on his show, alleging that on two occasions before he became prime minister, Netanyahu billed different organizations for the same flight.

According to Drucker, in one case, Netanyahu attended a fund-raising event in the US in 2006 for the Ashdod Medical Center, billing it $8,237 for the flights. He also allegedly billed the Jewish Heritage Foundation the same amount for flights taken on the same dates.

The prime minister and other ministers involved in the affair have been given until January 31 to respond to the comptroller’s report.

The final report is expected to be released in a few months.




#3519 Re: Valtiontarkastajan lausunto Netanyahun luxusmatkoista ja kaksoislaskutuksista annettu

2013-01-01 19:53:13

#3518: - Valtiontarkastajan lausunto Netanyahun luxusmatkoista ja kaksoislaskutuksista annettu




State comptroller secretly quizzed Netanyahu in 'Bibi-Tours' probe

02.03.2012 17:18


This story is by:!/image/22064585.jpg_gen/d...

Yossi Verter

The State Comptroller's Office secretly questioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week about his alleged financial improprieties over the last decade or so, sources told Haaretz.

This is the first time Netanyahu has been questioned in the so-called Bibi Tours probe, which began around 11 months ago amid allegations that he had traveled at the expense of businessmen and donors, that some of his trips had been double-billed and that he had illegally obtained campaign funds.!/image/3662699185.jpg_gen...






The interview, which lasted for about two and a half hours, was held on Monday in the prime minister's Jerusalem office, the sources said. Neither the Prime Minister's Office nor the comptroller's office gave a statement to the press afterward.

In recent months the comptroller interviewed several of Netanyahu's former advisers and aides who had worked with him in the past 10 years during his terms as finance minister and opposition leader.

The aides and advisers testified about the ways Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu's luxury trips abroad were financed, how the money was transferred and how the couple's expenses for their flights and luxury hotels were covered.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu's attorneys gave the comptroller's office documents, receipts and invoices related to the Netanyahus' trips abroad over the past six years, in a bid to prove that nothing improper was done.

Legal sources said on Thursday that Netanyahu's interview was probably the final stage of the investigation and he would receive a first draft of the comptroller's report in a month or two.

State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss is due to retire in four months and is expected to release the final report on the probe before he does.




#3520 Re: Valtiontarkastajan lausunto Netanyahun luxusmatkoista ja kaksoislaskutuksista annettu

2013-01-01 20:01:43

#3518: - Valtiontarkastajan lausunto Netanyahun luxusmatkoista ja kaksoislaskutuksista annettu



State comptroller secretly quizzed Netanyahu in 'Bibi-Tours' probe



Rahoitussotkut piinaavat Israelin Netanjahua

02.03.2012 16:50


Rahoitussotkut piinaavat Israelin Netanjahua

2.3.2012 12:54 | 0 | HELSINGIN SANOMAT

Israelin valtion tilintarkastajat ovat jo 11 kuukauden ajan hissukseen tutkineet, mistä pääministeri Benjamin Netanjahu on saanut rahaa ylellisiin matkoihin, loistohotelleihin ja kampanjointiin, kertoi perjantaina.

Netanjahua on alkuviikosta kuulusteltu matkoista, jotka lehti leimaa nimellä "Bibi-Tours". Bibi on Netanjahun etunimestä luotu lempinimi.

Kuulusteltavina ovat olleet myös Netanjahun avustajat viimeisten kymmenen vuoden ajalta.

Haaretzin tiedon mukaan rahoittajat olivat liikemiehiä ja "lahjoittajia".

Israelilainen televisiotoimittaja väittää Netanjahun perheen saaneen yksityistä hyötyä myös valtion varoista.

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