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/ #3518 Valtiontarkastajan lausunto Netanyahun luxusmatkoista ja kaksoislaskutuksista annettu

01.01.2013 19:50

State Comptroller sends draft of 'Bibi Tours' report to Netanyahu
PM and some 30 ministers and deputy ministers received copies of draft report on their non-government financed travels abroad; examination was prompted by 'Bibi Tours' story aired by Channel 10.
By Ofra Edelman and Jonathan Lis | 22:28 27.12.12 |




Netanyahu, Israeli TV channel settle 'Bibi-Tours' libel case out of court

Suits stemmed from two Channel 10 reports claiming Netanyahu's overseas trips, when he was leader of the opposition, were financed by wealthy donors.

By Revital Hovel | 07:44 30.10.12 |


Comptroller sends 'Bibi-Tours' report draft to PM

12/27/2012 21:20

Netanyahu, 30 other ministers, deputy ministers to receive report draft over allegations of improper funding of international trips.


State Comptroller Joseph Shapira sent Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu the draft of his report on the “Bibi-Tours Affair,” Channel 2 reported on Thursday.

In March 2011, Channel 10 investigative reporter Raviv Drucker reported on his show Hamakor on a series of flights that Netanyahu took with his wife, Sara, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, flights allegedly paid for by wealthy associates.

The comptroller’s draft report was also sent to 30 other ministers and deputy ministers from three Israeli governments over similar allegations of improper funding of international trips.

According to Drucker’s report, Netanyahu allegedly used a carefully crafted network of wealthy associates to finance private flights, luxury hotel suites, first-class restaurants, and trips abroad for him and his family – benefits that the show characterized as ethical infractions.

In April 2011, Drucker made additional allegations on his show, alleging that on two occasions before he became prime minister, Netanyahu billed different organizations for the same flight.

According to Drucker, in one case, Netanyahu attended a fund-raising event in the US in 2006 for the Ashdod Medical Center, billing it $8,237 for the flights. He also allegedly billed the Jewish Heritage Foundation the same amount for flights taken on the same dates.

The prime minister and other ministers involved in the affair have been given until January 31 to respond to the comptroller’s report.

The final report is expected to be released in a few months.


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