Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17

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a mary hare parent


14.11.2011 15:06

I am very concerned about this campaign against Mary Hare; there seems to be a campaign to belittle the needs of the other pupil who has an medical condition, and generally to tarnish the school's reputation. I am also concerned that the MaryHarehistory.org website has been dessimated and used in for such puposes by a seemingly unaccountable webmaster. I feel desparately for Molly however i believe the focus should be ensuring her case is taken through all the proper channels for resolution, involving the relevant authorities and voluntary organisations. Otherwise this campaign is unfair and vindictive and is on the verge of resembling 'troll-like' behaviour.



#64 Re:

2011-11-14 20:36:15

#63: a mary hare parent -  


Ghe other pupil has been considered far more than you are aware. The other pupil does not suffer any isolation as a result of his condition, that has been piled onto Molly. Molly has a guidedog as her only way to keep safe Nd this is desired because of another pupil who has been within reach of Unis in corridors at school, he has been in the presence of teachers pets at school, he enters through all the doors and corridors that Molly and Unis do. All that Molly requested was that she may eat in Blount Hall with her friends, in one corner and the other pupil in another. It quite simply makes no sense that the other pupil can be in small spaces with the guidedog but not in a large hall !! May I also add, Molly would be at school 5 days a week, that would be 5 hours of lunch, plus 2 hours supper, plus 40 mins for two breakfasts - over 8 hours per week she was expected to sit alone !!! Is that really fair and proportionate? Being deafblind is the most isolating of all conditions and to then be placed in further isolation through no fault of her own !! Molly has as a result of the schools actions missed out on vital AS studies - is that fair? Nobody knows how Molly feels except Molly & the Alumni have given their backing.
Steve L

#65 Re:

2011-11-14 20:50:26

#63: a mary hare parent -

Molly and her mum are not asking for special treatment, just fairness. It seems the school are using outdated medical records for this boy, all Molly would like and not demand, is a chance to sit with her friends, she didn't ask for her distressing condition. As far as I know, the school ethos recommends inedpendence for ALL students and Molly has hers with Unis, she doesn't take up any staff member's time. To be fair, I don't know the full story but this boy and his parents seem strangely reluctant to put across their own views on this situation.


#129 Re:

2011-12-03 11:49:33

#63: a mary hare parent -  


The campaign is all about fairness & truth. The school have acted appallingly. One pupil having access to education and the other with a nervous breakdown - duty of care is for all !!!