Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17

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Steve L

#65 Re:

14.11.2011 20:50

#63: a mary hare parent -

Molly and her mum are not asking for special treatment, just fairness. It seems the school are using outdated medical records for this boy, all Molly would like and not demand, is a chance to sit with her friends, she didn't ask for her distressing condition. As far as I know, the school ethos recommends inedpendence for ALL students and Molly has hers with Unis, she doesn't take up any staff member's time. To be fair, I don't know the full story but this boy and his parents seem strangely reluctant to put across their own views on this situation.


a mary hare parent

#70 Re: Re: 65

2011-11-17 12:32:09

#65: Steve L - Re:  

 ' To be fair, I don't know the full story but this boy and his parents seem strangely reluctant to put across their own views on this situation'    

That statement by Steve L just about sums up the level of debate on this forum and is precisely why this campaign against the school is unfair and vindictive.

Just because the other pupil and his parents have decided to keep the details of his medical condition private to themselves and the appropriate authorities, as is their right,  and not broadcast it across the internet and so forth,  other people seem to feel they have carte blanch to make up stories and assumptions and arrive at conclusions about the pupil, with the most minimal of information!

 All Mary Hare pupils are deaf and range of them have other conditions, including being blind, as reflected in my own child's year group. They all face barriers and discrimination in wider society . It is simply wrong that the school and its community is being targeted in this way, when the focus should be on securing a proper negotiated resolution with the support of all relevant authorities and voluntary organisations.