/ #3494 Re: Re:

05.05.2012 06:24

#3478: - Re:

Mister uneton. Osataan tããllã monet kyllã herranjestas enklallinkieltã. Sinun lainauksesi "Wolves begin attacking people in a predatory fashion", on se fashion hypoteettinen ilmaisu. Mihin sinã pyrit ??. Tãssã sinulle todisteita Kãlkãristã:

Ok.. I have been hesitant to mention this BUT on Thursday night at about 5 pm we
were in our Kitchen making dinner when all of a sudden a large Grey wolf ran
though the Shawnee Gold Course. It was moving but we managed to see him for
approx 100 feet at a distance of 20-30 yards. He then turned around and headed
out straight away from us. I was just STUNNED to see that. Anyone else seen
wolves around Calgary, let alone in side the limits?

We are about 3
Blocks from Fish Creek PP. I would guess that is where he came from.
No I wasent Drunk, High or Tired. This was also seen by my wife and kids.
I grabbed the camera, but he never came back.