Suomen HALLITUKSEN pyydettävä anteeksi Israelilta!
Vieras |
/ #2350 Revive Israel - Light to the Nations09.04.2012 20:27
BRIDGE PEOPLE In order for this mandate to be fulfilled, there must be special saints who have made a connection between Israel and the nations by assimilating the culture, language, identity and history of both nations. Here are some examples: Ariel Blumenthal is a Jewish believer, who came to faith in Yeshua in Japan, speaks both Hebrew and Japanese, has been part of our team in Jerusalem and serves now in Japan. Ariel has a deep understanding of Japanese culture, and has really become part of their people. Michael Neil Cohen was ordained as an Anglican priest, while not yet a born again believer in Jesus! He came to faith, was born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. His parents had changed the family name from Cohen to hide their Jewish identity. Michael changed it back to Cohen 12 years ago. He now serves in Jerusalem, and also ministers in England and other nations about the Jewish roots of Christianity. Yoni Yun was a Korean Baptist minister who received a revelation of Israel. He moved to Israel and became a tour guide here. His children were all born in Israel. He speaks Hebrew, and has even translated in conferences for us from Hebrew to Korean. Andy Ernst is a German speaking Swiss, and son of missionary parents. In his twenties he came to Israel, worked on a kibbutz and learned Hebrew. Andy and his wife Jill have spent time in Israel with our team and are now sharing the message of kingdom restoration and Israel in the German speaking world. Miguel N. is a Jewish believer from California. He answered a "missions" call to work among Muslims, and then God brought him to Israel where he worked on a kibbutz and learned Hebrew. But he also continued to respond to the original missions call and has spent much time in Turkey sharing the gospel there. There he also met his wife Elise. Miguel speaks both Turkish and Hebrew, and has served in discipleship training and missions both in Israel and Turkey. Valerie is a native French-speaking Swiss. At the Gateways Training Center in Cyprus, she met her Israeli husband Youval. God has used Youval and Valerie throughout Europe to share messages of hope, restoration and reconciliation. Shmuel B. is the son of an Ethiopian Messianic family. He served as a fighter in an elite combat unit in the Israeli army, nearly escaping death several times. Fluent in Hebrew and Amharic, Shmuel serves in discipleship, prayer and evangelism both in the Israeli and Ethiopian communities. Please pray for these special "bridge" people, and many others like them, who contain within their very "personhood" both the restoration of Israel and destiny of the nations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Lääkärin ja hoitajan vastaanotto säilytettävä Vähässäkyrössä
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