Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17

Where is the explanation?

/ #219

01.01.2012 16:13

It is a strange set of double standards set by the school - the boy with the alleged life threatening allergy to dogs has been attending the school for over 4 years, on his arrival at the school all that time ago the headmaster did not see fit to ban all teachers pet dogs from the school and school site, as would be completely expected based on the fact that the school have insisted this apparent allergy is life threatening - or has it just become life threatening on the arrival of a guided dog and based on out dated medical evidence!?
One would assume 4 years ago there was up to date medical evidence supporting this, what is now, an alleged allergy and yet the headmaster was happy to risk the boy having an anaphylactic shock as a result of a members of staff having pet dogs in and around school.
Excuse the questioning here, but can somebody explain how this works?
It is most certainly double standards and can only be discrimination of the guidedog!!