Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17

anonymous #5

/ #212

15.12.2011 18:35

*******MESSAGE TO JANE WATT*******

How is this petition is going to help your daughter? From what I can see, the school you claimed that have been treating Molly unfairly, rescheduled the timetable and offered other options, yet either you or Molly rejected those support and consisted on keeping the guide dog at all times.
Previously Molly had coped without the use of assistance until last July. Had Molly's eyesight detoriate very quickly in the last few months?

I have read other stories such as your blog on www.mollywatt.com, the school had been making huge effort in bringing the school in and completed all training, educated other students with rules of guide dog. Give the school bit of time to solve the issue and concentrate on your daughter who is currently going through depression. Molly needs the support from her mother on getting through the depression and be involved in the community.

Frankly with these articles and petition, it seems you are determined to add stress onto your daughter depression. Maybe look into different specialist school that have experience with deafblind students.
