Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17


/ #153

12.12.2011 22:05

This is all been blown out of proportion. So Molly Watt's mother is an expert on the boy's medical condition? You have absolutely no right to know what's the boy's health condition, it is a private matter. But as far as we are all concerned, from MHGS's official website, it is stated that the boy uses a range of prescribed medications to manage his conditions which may require both him and the school to have to hand the means of dealing with anaphylactic shock.
That means he carry around an injection in case he goes into a shock-that is a medical condition. MHGS HAVE evidence of this boy’s medical condition but cannot reveal the precise details because it is confidential. Again, does Molly's mother have any medical background/degree/expert on medical conditions on allergies and on anaphylactic shock?

Mary Hare has a LEGAL responsible and duty of CARE for this boy. MH stated that they had to reschedule the timetable so the boy and Molly will not cross paths and the only time they will cross path are at the assembly and at Blount Hall. You have absolutely no evidence that boy has come to contact with Molly's dog, the court will dismiss this as hearsay because it is not evident at all unless Molly's mother herself has SEEN the boy walking past the dog and/or have photographical evidence of the boy touching/walking past a dog. Plus a person, who has experienced from anaphylactic shock, would know it is an insufferable experience, would use common sense to avoid coming toward to a dog by all means.

Molly was given two choices, a walking stick or assistance from her friends, both had been rejected by Molly and her mother. Molly has CHOSEN to have a dog and because MH has a LEGAL responsible and duty of CARE to this boy, and as a result, she was put into another room, for 8 hours per week that she has freely CHOSEN to do this. Molly said -this is incredible- she is too "fashion-conscious" to use a walking stick. FASHION CONSCIOUS?! What is more important, the child’s disability and well-being or to be a fashion trend that no one will remember in 50 year time? How a dog with a very bright, green glowing cover with a sign stating ‘Guided dog for the blind’ is less fashion conscious than a discreet, plain white walking stick? Could someone please rationally explain this to me? Unless I have miss a point that having a guided dog wearing a bright glowing cover with a sign stating ‘Guide dog for the blind’ is very in now. Any mothers would do anything to offer alternative choices to ensure her child is happy and well, and to spend as much as time with her friends to socialise as possible over a fashion trend.
And what aid did Molly use before she had a dog that she only had since July? Why is there such a big fuss in having a dog with her all at time when she only had it since July? According to guide dog’s charity that supports MH, pointed out it is not necessary to have a dog with you at all times, 24/7. Is it really insufferable for her not to be with her dog while she is sitting down and eating?
Suppose if Molly did bring her dog to Blount Hall and the boy went into anaphylactic shock, the school had to call the ambulance, inform the boy's parents, all of this terrible distress purely Molly selfishly prefers the dog knowing fully well AWARE of this pupil's medical condition. Never mind what is legal elsewhere like restaurants, public transports, museum that the boy most likely to come to contact with other dogs. This situation is set on the SCHOOL GROUND and the school has a LEGAL responsible and duty of CARE for this boy. Who the boy's parents going to sue? MHGS. Because the school has failed the LEGAL responsible and duty of CARE provided for this boy.

I am going to dismiss this online petition where troll-like behaviour come out to play and threatening this situation to the national press as Daily Fail loves this sort of banter and where journalists have ZERO experiences on guide dogs, the blind and allergies. In fact zero knowledge on almost anything except feed the mass on nonsense lies and gossips.

What I'd love to see is Molly's mother to take this matter to court and see what they'd find on Molly's mother's charity and it's backing financial supports because they will most certainly dig this up and use this against her. And I am sure Molly's mother's face would be priceless when she hears the actual boy's medical condition as this confidential information will be forcibly reveal in court. And if Molly's mother is being very difficult in court and refusing alternative such as walking stick and assistance from her deaf friends, without a doubt, the judge will declare that Molly is no longer a suitable candidate to MHGS and must go to a different school or be home-tutored. All of this against MHGS, a school that supports deaf children for many decades with full backing support from Local Education Authority (LEA), two official guide dog and blind charities, that have been running for many decades and experts on guide dogs for blind people. All in all, you will LOSE this case, through a proper channel with appropriate authorities and officials. You can have all the support from Daily Fail and other newspapers that currently in court for hacking, as you like, but the best and most efficient result is from the court.

It is clear this is down to personality and attitude of this terrible mother, airing this matter to national press, revealing her daughter's personal matter. She is the type of person that she must have it her way and no one else, believe me, when you go to court, you'll realised it won't be your way anymore.

Most of all, I feel sorry for Molly as she lives in a place in her mind that the world is against her, what an appalling attitude for a disabled person to have.

It is her mother that is depriving her daughter's education and it is her mother who led her daughter to depression. And she is shouting to everyone and pointing her finger blaming at everyone around her except her because she knew deep down what a big mess she has created in the first place.