Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17

Angry law student

/ #130 Re:

04.12.2011 02:28

#89: Proud ex MHGS -

'A sickening campaign'? Do you truely, and honestly, believe that Molly and her mother are wrong to be taking action against breaches of Molly's rights to aid? This 'boohoo' of which you speak has caused Molly and her family stress, frustration, and hardship, not to mention a severe impact on her education - again, another human right which, in this circumstance, has been breached. Obviously, I cannot deny the help that the school has given to children in the past; but this discrimination of which Molly is facing is completely unreasonable. Many other commentors on this petition have posed the argument that Molly having extremely limited access to her guide dog Unis is comparable to the deaf students at the school having restricted access to their hearing aids and equipment. As one can see, they are different in circumstance to a degree - however, the circumstances retain the same principle. Having this discrimination put upon Molly and her disability is outrageous, and the school's actions in discriminating against her - as well as the disgraceful conduct of some of the students attending the school currently - is completely atrocious.

The school cannot suffer as much 'damage' as Molly and her family have had to suffer. Your frankly absurd comments (not to mention completely biased towards the school in question) are entirely unjustified, and your last remark about how Molly should not return on the basis that 'the campaign has done damage to the school' is utterly shameful and unprincipled. In my opinion, to be a 'Proud ex MHGS' is 'sickening', not Molly's rightful campaign in securing justice. I know that a lot of people signing this petition will feel the same way as I do - I, for one, will not stand for unreasonable, unjustified, and unlawful discrimination against Molly or on a general level full-stop. The school should be ashamed of themselves for not adhering with the moral principles of the school's primary aim - to help those children and teenagers with severe or limiting disabilities to experience an equal education as those without disabilities. There is a duty of care and responsibility on those who run the school to provide this education, and in not doing so are breaching human rights and their legal obligations in providing indiscriminate aid and help.

Apologies for the long comment, but I feel strongly in helping Molly and her family with their cause. I wish you all the best in your campaign for justice - I will support you every step of the way.