Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17


/ #110 Re:

28.11.2011 20:58

#109: -

Molly has been pushed out of school by the actions of the school, the school put the compromises upon her in september, she tried to work with them and found the isolation unbareable - the school were informed of her unhappiness, were asked to look at alternatives to keep both pupils happy and safe - a compromise has to work all ways and clearly this was not working at all.  As a result Molly could cope no more and since the school have refused to consider any suggestions from guidedogs Molly has slipped further and further into depression and this has been confimed with very up to date medical evidence.

A duty of care has to work for all and clearly this has not worked.

I think it needs to be made very clear that "allergy boy' does not have up to date medical evidence as was confrmed at a meeting on 11 October, it should lso be mentioned that this boy has shared the same corridors as Molly and her guidedog and bruashed with her on up teen occasions - no reaction!!  Yet, the school refused even to trial, under the supervision of guidedogs, Molly sitting with her 6th form friends and him as far away as possible in the dining hall, which is considerably a larger disatance than a corridor.  It would be fair to say the dining hall is at least the size of a netball pitch - even a fool would struggle to accept this as an unreasonable request!!

We should all stop and consider we were told his boy would have an anaphylactic shock if near the guidedog - it has not happened!!