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/ #28005

07.02.2014 17:08

David Bentley,- kaikkea sitä löytää vahingossa, - tämä on kyllä pappismies, (amer.)   Suosittelee homoseks:n alueelta kolmea kirjailijaa. Sielähän tämä Gagnonkin sitten luuraa, -  no neljähän kuitenkin tuli yhteensä. 

If, with a gun to my head, I had to recommend just three, they’d be Gagnon,
.                                                                                                           Hill,

.                                                                                                            Ash, 
and the Q&A on same-sex marriage by Alastair Roberts. Okay, that’s four, but one of them isn’t specifically about this issue.

Tässä kolmen kärki:

Robert A. Gagnon, The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics. This is surely the definitive treatment of the biblical materials. [5]

Richard B. Hays, The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation, A Contemporary Introduction to Christian Ethics. This is far wider ranging than simply issues of sexuality, but it covers the key texts and places them in the biblical-theological context in much briefer compass than Gagnon. Between Gagnon and Hays, I regard the biblical case against same-sex sex as clearly established. [4]

Christopher Ash, Marriage: Sex in the Service of God. Not a book about same-sex sexuality, but the best book I’ve encountered on marriage. It provides the essential framework for thinking about the Bible’s teaching on all aspects of sex and sexuality. Scholarly and pastoral: the work of a true pastor-theologian. [4]

Mutta se, jota etsin alunperin, oli Hart, David Bentleyhttp://www.patheos.com/blogs/rogereolson/2012/09/david-bentley-hart-and-the-new-atheism-a-brief-review-and-recommendation-of-atheist-delusions/

Tämä herättää kyllä mielenkiinnon:

One of my favorite Christian authors is David Bentley Hart. His The Doors of the Sea was a profound inspiration and help as I wrote Against Calvinism. He is a word master. Just reading him elevates your mind and soul. And, if you pay attention and learn, your vocabulary! (Anyone who has read him knows what I mean.)