Eveline Fadayelin karkoituspäätös kumottava
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Matti Koskinen Vieras |
#103 Migrin rikollinen johto.01.01.2011 21:38Yritin aikanaan hakea omankäden oikeutta autoni varastajalta. En kuitenkaan uskaltanut yksin mennä autoni varastajan isän taloon. Talossa kun oli juhlat, ja silloisen paikkakunnan syyttäjän,autoni varastaneen sukulaisen auto oli pihassa portaiden edessä. Kyseinen henkilö oli nykyinen Migrin johtaja. Autoni varastaja ei saanut edes vankeutta,vaikka ehdonalainen oli päällä. Joten miettikääpä mikä on Migri? Minun mielestäni Suomen rauhan ajan suurin korruptiolaitos,jonka toimet pitäisi viimein paljastaa,mutta kun Suomi ei ole oikeusvaltio. |
aa Vieras |
#104 Isoäiti on äiti!!!02.01.2011 10:54Typerät, kylmät ja sydämettömät päättäjät!Miten Suomen oikeus voi päättää asiasta vain isoäidin oikeuksilla? Isoäiti on myös äiti! Äiti ei lakkaa koskaan olemasta äiti, vaikka hän saakin lapsenlapsia. |
Ajattelua Vieras |
#105 Miksei auta?16.01.2011 14:15Me kaikki suomalaiset olemme lähimmäisiä toisillemme. Miksi siis emme auta. Kukaan ei tule autetuksi sillä, että se, joka auttaa omaisiaan, tuomitaan. |
Vieras |
#106 sim-service.su sim service inbox ru12.01.2012 06:46детализация звонков бесплатно sim-service.su детализация звонков бесплатно sim-service.su распечатка на sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service.su sim service inbox ru sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service@inbox.ru sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service@inbox.ru sim-service.su sim-service@inbox.ru sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su sim service inbox ru sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service@inbox.ru sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su sim service inbox ru распечатка звонков теле2 sim-service.su распечатка мтс sim-service.su детализация билайн sim-service.su |
Vieras |
#107 sim-service.su www.sim-service.su17.01.2012 11:23распечатка мегафон sim-service.su детализация на sim-service.su детализация на sim-service.su sim-service.su sim service inbox ru sim-service.su sim service inbox ru sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service@inbox.ru sim-service.su sim service inbox ru sim-service.su sim-service@inbox.ru sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service@inbox.ru sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su sim-service@inbox.ru sim-service.su sim-service@inbox.ru sim-service.su sim-service@inbox.ru sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su sim service inbox ru sim-service.su www.sim-service.su sim-service.su sim service inbox ru sim-service.su sim-service.su распечатка мегафон sim-service.su распечатка звонков теле2 sim-service.su распечатка на sim-service.su |
Sivuston ylläpitäjä on poistanut tämän viestin (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
07.03.2012 07:44- Poiston ajankohta: 29.05.2010
- Poistamisen syy: spam
Sivuston ylläpitäjä on poistanut tämän viestin (Näytä tarkemmat tiedot)
07.03.2012 09:20- Poiston ajankohta: 29.05.2010
- Poistamisen syy: spam
Vieras |
#110 JIDE Software - Company News07.01.2013 21:02By WebOsPublisher3 What do samsung cell phone symbols mean - What do the symbol mean on the screen of a samsung messager phone :: Ask Me Fast About Us В Privacy Policy В Terms В Contact Us Search for Answered Unanswered В Ask a Question Answer Question Popular Recent Search Chat Room Visitors to this page also searched for:Symbols on a samsung phone Galaxy y what notification in message bihind the signal and battery Samsung c3530 phone g symbol Hat does it mean when there is an r above your signal box .askbox_watermark { color:gray; }; .askbox_normal { color:#000000; }; Community Experts online right now. Ask for FREE. What would you like to ask? You have 150 characters left Ask Your Question Fast! #helpful_ovrl { background-color: #aaaaaa; -moz-opacity: 0.7; opacity: 0.7; top: 0; left: 0; position: fixed; width: 100%; height:100%; z-index: 99; } #helpful_ww { position: fixed; z-index: 100; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center; } #helpful_win { margin: 5% auto auto auto; width: 500px; height: 1000px; text-align:left; } #helpful_w { background-color: #FFFFFF; padding: 30px; border: 5px solid #CD8511; border-radius: 2em; -moz-border-radius: 2em; -webkit-border-radius: 2em; font-family: Verdana; padding:30px 30px 53px 30px; } #helpful_x { background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 0px solid #FEF5A8; color: #DD1100; text-align:right; } #helpful_t { float:left; margin: 0 0 0 0; position:relative; } #helpful_text { width: 100%; } #helpful_w span { font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; } #helpful_ok_cancel { float:left; position:relative; left:21px; padding-top:2px; } #helpful_ovrl { position: absolute; filter:alpha(opacity=70); top: expression(eval(document.body.scrollTop)); width: expression(eval(document.body.clientWidth)); } #helpful_ww { position: absolute; top: expression(eval(document.body.scrollTop)); } Thank you. This worked, and was very easy to follow. It solved the problem. Excellent suggestion. Thank you! Thank you so much for the workaround. It works! Thanks, and to whoever posted that answer. Clever guy! I followed your instructions. Everything worked perfectly! Other: #aep_ovrl { background-color: #aaaaaa; -moz-opacity: 0.7; opacity: 0.7; top: 0; left: 0; position: fixed; width: 100%; height:100%; z-index: 99; } #aep_ww { position: fixed; z-index: 100; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center;} #aep_win { margin: 5% auto auto auto; width: 500px; height: 1000px; text-align: left;} #aep_w {background-color: #FFFFFF; padding: 30px; border: 5px solid #CD8511;border-radius: 2em;-moz-border-radius: 2em;-webkit-border-radius: 2em;font-family: Verdana;padding:30px 30px 53px 30px;} #aep_x {background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 0px solid #FEF5A8;color: #DD1100;text-align:right;} #aep_t {float:left; margin: 0 0 0 0; position:relative; } #aep_text {width: 100%;} #aep_w span {font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold;} #aep_ok_cancel { float:left;position:relative;left:21px;padding-top:2px;} #aep_ovrl { position: absolute; filter:alpha(opacity=70); top: expression(eval(document.body.scrollTop)); width: expression(eval(document.body.clientWidth)); } #aep_ww { position: absolute; top: expression(eval(document.body.scrollTop)); } This is NOT abusive. I pressed this button by accident. It is spam / self promotion. It is offensive or harmful. It does not contain enough information. It contains or requests illegal information. 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Please add your email address now:"; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" X"; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" Or Create an account"; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=""; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" E-Mail:"; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" Username: "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" Password:"; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" Re-Type Password: "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+= " Cancel"; fhtml+= ""; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=""; document.getElementById("loginform").innerHTML=fhtml; } function restoreloginform() { document.getElementById("loginform").innerHTML = fhtml_login; } //-- EC start -- //These functions are for the new popup function dologin_popup(id, pass, qid) { var qstr = "uid=" + escape(id.value) + "&pass=" + escape(pass.value) + "&qid=" + qid + "&txy=" + (tempX+tempY) + "&answer_text=" + document.getElementById('newtext').value + "&cmd=login_popup"+"&aid="+document.getElementById("hidAnswerID").value+"&commentid="+document.getElementById("hidCommentID").value; xmlhttpPost("saveanswer.php", qstr, "passres_popup", true); return false; } function lostpass_popup() { fhtml_login = document.getElementById("openid_login_popup").innerHTML; var fhtml = ""; var remail = ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml+=" Lost Password?Enter your email address: "; fhtml += " "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=" Email: "; fhtml+=" Cancel "; fhtml+=" "; fhtml+=""; document.getElementById("openid_login_popup").innerHTML = fhtml; } function signin_popup() { fhtml_login = document.getElementById("divNewUserForm").innerHTML; var fhtml = ""; // fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += " "; fhtml += " Sign in"; fhtml += " "; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += "Username"; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += "Password"; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; fhtml += "Register"; fhtml += " | "; fhtml += "Forgot Password"; fhtml += ""; fhtml += ""; // fhtml += " "; // fhtml += " Cancel"; fhtml += " "; fhtml+=""; document.getElementById("divNewUserForm").innerHTML = fhtml; } function restoreloginform_popup() { document.getElementById("openid_login_popup").innerHTML = fhtml_login; } //-- EC end -- function calclen(id) { var rform = document.getElementById(id); if ((150 - rform.title.value.length) Chat with an Expert Live! google.load("swfobject", "2.1"); .askbox_watermark { color:gray; }; .askbox_normal { color:#000000; }; function askboxblur(id,default_text) { var temp = id + "temp"; var rform = document.getElementById(id); if (rform.title.value == "") { rform.title.className ="askbox_watermark"; rform.title.value = default_text; } else { rform.title.className ="askbox_normal"; } } function askboxfocus(id,default_text) { var temp = id + "temp"; var rform = document.getElementById(id); rform.title.className = "askbox_normal"; if (rform.title.value == default_text) { rform.title.value = ""; } } Ask Your Question Fast! Type your question here You have 150 characters left Question Categories Arts $ Humanities Books $ Authors Drawing $ Illustration Photography Beauty $ Style Fashion $ Accessories Business $ Finance Corporations Credit Financial Services Insurance Investing Other - Business $ Finance Other - Careers $ Employment Personal Finance Renting $ Real Estate Small Business Cars $ Transportation Buying $ Selling Car Audio Insurance $ Registration Mercedes-Benz Other - Cars $ Transportation Rail Computers $ Internet Add-ons Computer Networking Desktops Facebook Google Laptops $ Notebooks Monitors MSN MySpace Other - Computers Other - Hardware Other - Internet Printers Programming $ Design Security Software YouTube Consumer Electronics Camcorders Cameras Cell Phones $ Plans Home Theater Land Phones Mobile Phones $ Plans Music $ Music Players Nintendo Wii Other - Electronics PC PDAs $ Handhelds PlayStation TiVO $ DVRs TVs Xbox Education $ Reference Higher Education (University +) Homework Help Other - Education Words $ Wordplay Entertainment $ Music Celebrities Comics $ Animation Horoscopes Jokes $ Riddles Movies Other - Entertainment Other - Music Polls $ Surveys Rap and Hip-Hop Family $ Relationships Family Friends Marriage $ Divorce Other - Family $ Relationships Singles $ Dating Games $ Recreation Card Games Gambling Other - Games $ Recreation Video $ Online Games Health Diet $ Fitness Home $ Garden Maintenance $ Repairs Others Others Politics $ Government Immigration Law $ Ethics Law Enforcement $ Police Military Politics Science $ Mathematics Astronomy $ Space Chemistry Engineering Mathematics Physics Social Science Psychology Society $ Culture Etiquette Languages Other - Cultures $ Groups Other - Society $ Culture Religion $ Spirituality Sports Cricket Wrestling Travel Other - Destinations Other - India Philippines Saudi Arabia United States Browse by Tag Visitors to this page also searched for:Symbols on a samsung phone Galaxy y what notification in message bihind the signal and battery Samsung c3530 phone g symbol Hat does it mean when there is an r above your signal box Q What do samsung cell phone symbols mean? D -- What do the symbol mean on the screen of a samsung messager phone Topic: Samsung Asked by: Darline In Computers $ Internet > Monitors > Phone A Top Solutions: Every phone is different and every carrier is slightly different. To find out, go to sams ... read more What is the G in a red box icon located upper left of my screen-Samsung phone? This is NOT in the m ... read more -- Add your answer Subscribe me to this question so I can follow the discussion -- Solutions LJE Level 7 (Professional) 58 Answers, 2 Followers "Find your phone there and download the manual..." 7 13 Tweet Every phone is different and every carrier is slightly different. To find out, go to samsung.com/us/mobile/cell-phones. You can find your phone there and download the manual , which will tell you everything you want to know. Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Someone said: i have already looked in the manual. i cant find an icon glossary anywhere Was this comment helpful? Yes | No 69% Helpful Someone said: who ever created this answer has never actually checked, complete BS. Was this comment helpful? Yes | No 33% Unhelpful Someone said: address not valid Was this comment helpful? Yes | No 100% Helpful CommentReplyReport Voted BEST ANSWERThis answer closely relates to:Phone symbols for samsung mobile phonesWhy can`t i find whatsapp for windows phones. the android whatsapp is so easy to find and download to pc or cell phone but not for windows phones. why?Hi, is possible unblock this phone mycricket.com/cell-phones/details/kyo_zio ? i want to add there new sim card?Cell phone icons samsungHow do i find the icons on my samsung cell phone?Trying to find out what the icons mean on a samsung precedent cell phone?Samsung cell phone iconsI am looking for the manual for the at&t pantech model p9020 cell phone to download? can`t find it?I am trying to locate where to find and what certain icons on my verizon samsung cell phone means? Anonymous "Icon located upper left of my screen-samsung phone..." 42 1 Tweet What is the G in a red box icon located upper left of my screen-Samsung phone ? This is NOT in the manuals. Thank you. Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Someone said: what does the meaning of bow and arrow symbol appearing in samsung wave 525 mobile screen Was this comment helpful? Yes | No 67% Helpful Someone said: Is it a regular "G" or is it an "OG"? Was this comment helpful? Yes | No 33% Unhelpful jmay1226 said: a regular G only, how to off this? and why I can't connect with my wifi...? it will says DNS failed.. Was this comment helpful? Yes | No sweetsabz said: its GT Was this comment helpful? Yes | No Someone said: GPRS connection. E stands for EDGE where available. Was this comment helpful? Yes | No |
Vieras |
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