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#3478 Re:

04.05.2012 00:00

#3477: uneton -

Seven stages leading to predatory attacks

Ethologist Doctor Valerius Geist of the University of Calgary, Alberta outlined seven hypothetical stages which lead to wolf attacks on humans based on historical and modern accounts.[7]

  • The first outlined stage is scarcity of wild game, be it due to poaching, habitat loss or seasonal migration.
  • Wolves begin approaching human habitations, though limit their visits to nocturnal hours. Their presence is usually established by barking matches with local dogs.
  • After a certain amount of time, wolves begin to frequent human habitations in daylight hours, and observe people and livestock at a distance.
  • The wolves begin acting bolder by attacking small livestock and pets during daylight, sometimes pursuing their prey up to verandas. At this point the wolves do not focus on humans, but will growl and act threateningly toward them.
  • The wolves begin attacking large-bodied livestock and may follow riders, as well as mount verandas and look into windows.
  • People begin to be harassed, usually in a playful manner. The wolves will chase people over short distances and nip at them, though will retreat if confronted.
  • Wolves begin attacking people in predatory fashions.

Silloin kun sudet tappoivat Suomessa lapsia tilattiin ammatti metsästäjiä ja susi julistettiin pannaan. Lähes koko kanta hävitetiin ja luotiin susikantaan ihmispelkoa. Nyt se pelko on jo osalla laumoista poissa, koska suden ei tarvitse enää pelätä ihmistä. Netistä löydät tietoa ulkomailla tapahtuneista susien ihmistapoista, jos osaat englantia.



#3494 Re: Re:

2012-05-05 06:24:14

#3478: - Re:

Mister uneton. Osataan tããllã monet kyllã herranjestas enklallinkieltã. Sinun lainauksesi "Wolves begin attacking people in a predatory fashion", on se fashion hypoteettinen ilmaisu. Mihin sinã pyrit ??. Tãssã sinulle todisteita Kãlkãristã:

Ok.. I have been hesitant to mention this BUT on Thursday night at about 5 pm we
were in our Kitchen making dinner when all of a sudden a large Grey wolf ran
though the Shawnee Gold Course. It was moving but we managed to see him for
approx 100 feet at a distance of 20-30 yards. He then turned around and headed
out straight away from us. I was just STUNNED to see that. Anyone else seen
wolves around Calgary, let alone in side the limits?

We are about 3
Blocks from Fish Creek PP. I would guess that is where he came from.
No I wasent Drunk, High or Tired. This was also seen by my wife and kids.
I grabbed the camera, but he never came back.