Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17

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#209 Re:

15.12.2011 13:10

#208: -   Whoever you are - prove it! You are making sweeping statements and it's heresay. That poor boy has been dragged into this and it is all because of a neurotic mother who should be allowing her daughter to get on with her education and be with friends who care about her. Instead her life is revolving around this issue and it is her mother's issue. Note who set up this forum!! Molly is an intelligent young lady but it must be very difficult for her to stand up to a mother like hers and say enough is enough! The boy has a right to his privacy. He did not ask to be at the centre of attention. I pity any child of yours who may have to suffer from severe allergies because they will lack an understanding parent. Noone has stopped dogs being walked in the grounds, in the open air. This whole thing is about approximately 1 hour in a whole week. All of this has just made things a lot worse for everyone involved. 




#220 Re: Re:

2012-01-01 16:19:23

#209: - Re:  

 < you need to get your facts right !!