Justice 4 Deafblind Guidedog Owner Molly Watt - age 17

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14.12.2011 18:10

Completely off-topic, but when did Mary Hare cease to be a grammar school? And why? Just curious and Google isn't giving me answers.

As for this whole thing, how many people really know what's going on, and how many people are just being judgmental - on both sides - because of their beliefs? I personally feel sorry for both Molly and so-called "Allergy Boy" (really? Come on - we might as well label Molly "deafblind girl"!). Can we please, everyone, try to show a little more empathy for BOTH parties? As my mother said to me on many an occasion when I was younger and screaming about how unfair life is: "life's not fair: deal with it.". Cold and hard-headed? Yes. Realistic? Yes.

If you're reading this, Mrs Watt (mum), I know you want the best for Molly. I can't begin to imagine the trauma that your family has been through. But is this really the solution? One day, you will not be around/capable of looking after Molly. The old 'life's not fair' argument. Isn't it better to teach her now that life's not fair, rather than wait until she's adult and it's actually something serious?

Or, to put it another way, things WILL get worse to Molly. I'm not surprised she's depressed. I admire that she's trying her best to be normal, and not be treated differently, and that she's growing up and growing personally with this knowledge. But what you are doing now helps no-one, least of all Molly.

I speak as an ex-pupil of Mary Hare now: Mr Shaw is a fair man with a hard job. He knows he's in between a rock and a hard place. This petition is likely to achieve the square root of nothing. If I were in his place, an impossible place, I would be very tempted to use the Solomon verdict (to save Googling: the Biblical thing where two women were going on and on about a baby and he cut the baby in half. I'm sure we all know the story and how it ended).

Not a bible-nut by any means, but I do think that Mrs Watts needs to realise that this venomous campaign is not working. I implore you to start thinking about Molly's life when you're not around to protect her, and realise that if you don't allow her to learn the lessons she needs to, she will be truly depressed.

To Molly - stay strong. I have no idea if that fashion conscious DM thing is true or not, but if it is: why not just allow your friends to help you a little, or at least use the stick? I still have problems allowing people to make exceptions for my deafness... but know that at the end of the day - even in this situation, people do just want to help you. It cannot be 100% your way. Sucks, but it's true. I know you've got a long, hard road in front of you. Walk it.

To the boy with the allergy, if you read this - I'm sorry. It'll pass. It always does! I would like to write more but I don't know anything about you other than the allegations pressed here. I'm just sad that you can never enjoy the joy of the company of animals (I'm assuming the fur allergy includes cats and other mammals). Don't feel bad about the situation.

That's probably enough! :D Peace all x



#186 Re:

2011-12-14 18:14:33

#185: -  


Well, have a look at this and then tell us how fair your mr shaw is to mis-quote and mis-lead. There are lots of ex MHS signatures on this petition and yours is just an opinion just like envy other!! A Guide Dogs spokesperson said: "This is a complicated matter, and Guide Dogs is working with the school and Molly's family to find a solution that enables both pupils to attend.  We are continuing to support Molly and her family in finding solutions that will accommodate the needs of both pupils, but recognise that it is for the school to meet these needs. "Guide Dogs completed a detailed induction at the school with a mobility instructor when Molly finished her training as a guide dog owner and at the time, no particular difficulties were identified in relation to the other pupil's allergic reaction. Since then, we have been working closely with Molly, her family and the school - and continue to do so - to find a way forward. "The school will need to find a way of providing reasonable adjustments that will work for both pupils and we are confident that the issue can still be resolved. Guide Dogs hopes that the school, working with the pupils and their families, can find a solution that takes the needs of both pupils into account and we are doing all we can to help bring this about."


#187 Re:

2011-12-14 18:19:27

#185: -  


Shame Molly can't enjoy school life because of an alleged condition too !!


#213 Re:

2011-12-15 21:20:04

It is now Mary Hare Schools because it has the primary school to. It also takes in a range of children with different learning difficulties.